8-Gethen pt2 *Percy & Annabeth*

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Percy POV

I wake up to people laughing.

"Oh yeah, that's a good one!"

"Yeah! Oh, look! Percy's awake, stop talking."

I walked into the kitchen to see everyone except Keefe and Sophie.

"Where's Sophie and Keefe?" I ask, taking my coffee mug and putting it under the machine.

"Sophie went outside earlier when I thought she was asleep, and then a few minutes later, Keefe heard crying, went outside and saw her crying her eyes out. No one knows what happened, only that Sophie is really upset and Keefe is in the girl's room with her, trying to calm her down." Biana explains.

"What do you think happened?" I ask her.

"Well, I think that it has something to do with Gethen." Linh pipes up, Wylie's arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Just as she finishes her sentence, Keefe walks back into the room, and the room goes silent.

"Well?" Biana asks, breaking the ice.

"She wouldn't tell me, something about me getting killed if I knew, along with anyone else that knows. It was muffled with the crying. She was really upset. I finally got her to calm down and she's asleep now." Keefe answers.

"Wow, I didn't realize that you guys go through this a lot," Calypso says.

"It's not usually this bad... I'm scared that her mind will break and there'll be no one to fix it..." Dex whispers.

Keefe looked determined when he said, "Her mind won't break, she's strong. And I won't let her mind break."

There was a bright light and someone appeared, the elves took these star-shaped weapons out of their pockets that I didn't know they had, but we all knew who it was.

"Dad!" I say excitedly. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

Dad laughs and the elves are confused for a minute before Tam puts it together.

"You're Posiedon? The greek god?" He asks.

"Yes, Tam Song," Dad says, Tam, cringes at the use of his family name. "I came to give you all some advice. Don't go after the answers that you aren't ready to hear, like why Sophie isn't telling you everything. It will all work out in the end." There was another puff of smoke and he's gone.

"That was freaky." Biana says, "But it was cool and informative." She shrugged.

The door to the girl's room creaks open and Sophie walks out with a red face and hair that's gone crazy.

"You good Foster?" Keefe says, walking over to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She pushes away from the subject. "I heard a different voice, who was here?"

"My dad, Poseidon. He gave us some advice. Not for you though." Leo adds as she opens her mouth to ask what the advice was.

"Okay, Bi I'm gonna get a shower and then can you help me with something? The other girls can come too." Sophie directs her sentence towards the girls and they all nod.

She trudges into the girl's bathroom and in 5 minutes she calls out and says she's ready for the girls.

Annabeth POV

Sophie calls out for us and the girls walk into her room. She's in a towel with wet hair.

"Ummm... Can you guys help me pick out an outfit? It needs to be good for fighting and being held, hostage." She says quietly.

"Is Sophie Foster asking us to give you a sporty-sheek makeover?" Marella asks. Sophie nods, looking unsure if this was a good idea or not.

As we do her makeover, we laugh at jokes and forget that Sophie is probably going to be dead in the next few days.

Her outfit

Her makeup

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Her makeup

Her makeup

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Her hair

Her shoes

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Her shoes

I've gotta say, she looks really good

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I've gotta say, she looks really good.

"Wow Soph, we did well on you!" Linh says, and we all laugh.

"Okay, okay, I think you guys should get makeovers too! I'm the only one who looks good here!" Everyone laughs and goes to disagree but Biana cuts in.

"You know, she's right! More girl bonding! Come on!" Biana prompts, we all agree because we know that Sophie needs this. (Other makeovers in the next chapter.)

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