14) the enemy

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Request by: Lilakatelyn

THEY ARE NOT CHILDREN (if they where the later parts would be really weird)

"One world, one people" karli shouted, everybody repeated. Being karlis sister is difficult, to make it even worse were twins, not identical but we had Very similar features.

"Karli we need to get out of here, That sam is on our trail" I complained
"Patience y/n, if they want a fight, they'll get one, we're here to morn loss!"
Donya Madanis funeral was being held today, we just needed enough time to pay respects and get out of here unnoticed.

Whilst Karli is paying her respects I scan the room, nothing suspicious catches my eye until I see him, I lightly walk towards and whisper into Karli ear "we need to go no" she looks to the direction I'm facing.
Sam doesn't make a move until the end of the funeral, We watch one and other cautiously.

"I'm sorry for your loss" he says
"What do you want"
"Y/n I'll handle this, you go and check on the supplies" I nod and make my way to where we are storing the super soldier serum

"HOLD STOP THERE!" I turn around, great
"If your Captain America is Beyoncé, I've not got time for your bullshit" he looked furious
He swung Steve Rogers shield at me and I ducked, he might be a fake but he could still kill me, he through the shield towards me and I managed to get away, I ran towards him and with all the force I could gather up I kicked him into a pillar "cya later John"

I managed to arrive where the serums where kept before any damage was caused
"Karli Morgenthau!" I didn't recognise that voice, I turned to see a man, he was wearing a long black trench coat which had fur across the top, he was pointing a gun at me
"it's actually y/n Morgenthau"
"Ah yes, her less capable twin"
"Watch your mouth sir"
"step away from the serum"
"I don't think I'm gonn-" he fired his gun at me "DID YOU JUST SHOOT ME" I said holding my arm
"I'll ask you again to move away from the serum"
"What so you can take them for yourself! Not a chance"
"I do not want it, I wish to destroy it, super soldiers should not be aloud to exist"
"I'm taking that as offence"
"Move away girl, or I will not hesitate in killing you"

This is going to sound crazy, here I am bleeding from my arm, there's a chance he could murder me right here right now, but I can't stop looking at him, he's undeniably attractive.

"You're not gonna kill me sir"
"And why is that"
I kicked him backwards "because you're to slow"
He stood up almost instantly and yanked me by the arm pulling me closer he whispered "too slow huh"
My body shivered, I tugged the arm that he had grasped around me and managed to pull myself loose, I went in for the kick again but he grabbed my foot, I looked from his face to my foot "you where saying youngling"
He threw me to the floor "as much as I'd like to continue this little fight, I will not let me work go unfinished" I got back to protest me he grabbed the arm he'd previously shot and made me Yelp "you know" I said grasping for air "for a good looking dude you're a real ass" he chuckled and threw my back onto the floor, he made his way over to where the super solider serums where stored, he threw them onto the floor and began standing on them, smashing them.

"STOP IT" he ignored me "PLEASE STOP"
" I told you, I will not let my work go unfinished"
He said breaking another bottle, I pulled myself up and lunged at him "get off of me you rotzlöffel" (google said that means brat)
"What did you just Call me" he pushed me forward and smashed me onto to the ground, whacking my head on floor "yano if anybody walked in right now, they'd get the wrong image" he rolled his eyes
"Well if your gonna practically pin me on the floor, I'd like to know your name"
His grip tightened "my name is Zemo"
"What a charming name" I brought me leg up and kneed him in the stomach, weakening his arms so I could get loose
"Once this is all over you want to grab a coffee!" I ask running to grab any serum that was left, he wrapped his arms Around me "did you just ask me out on a date mid fight"
I tried to kick out of his grasp "cant blame a girl for trying" as I'd managed to get loose he came back
"Oh for fucks sake" John Walker was standing in the door way, Zemo looked worried "well I best get going" I said which a nervous smile spread across my face
John ran towards us, he threw his shield knocking Zemo unconscious, well shit
As he was retrieving his shield I made a run for it,
Before I was out of sight I yelled back towards John "TELL HIM TO CALL ME" yes he didn't have my number, but he'd find a way.
Now time to get out of here!

are you proud!
That was actually ready fun to write, I'll check for mistakes later
Hope you enjoyed and remember to keep
requesting 🤎

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