You Make Me Feel So...

503 15 8

You Make Me Feel So...~

"Ahhh! Run! The tickle monster is gonna get me!" Karen giggled and ran away from Kenny who was chasing after her. I laughed as I watched the two. It was adorable watching Kenny be a sweet big brother.

Karen hid behind me. "Stan! Pick me up!" I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her legs so she wouldn't fall off my back. "Now run!" I began to run away from a smirking Kenny.

"Hey! Karen you know Stan's faster than me you cheater!" Karen and I laughed as Kenny yelled about this being unfair. "Sorry Ken!" I yelled back at him. The breath got knocked out of me as I tripped over something. I landed face first on the ground.

I groaned in pain. "Stan! Are you okay!?" Karen asked as she got off of me. I probably broke her fall. "Yeah.." I groaned out. I felt big firm hands roll me over onto my back. I looked up into bright blue eyes. Kenny smiled down at me. "Yeah he's fine. I'm pretty sure his face looked like that mess before he fell."

I tackled Kenny to the ground. "Shut up!" Kenny and Karen laughed as I pouted. Karen tugged on my shirt collar. "Let's swim." I glanced over at the lake. "Um. Sure." We both looked down at Kenny who shrugged as he began to pull off his shirt. I tried to hide my blush as I also pulled off my shirt.

We all took off our shoes. Karen glanced at both of us. "It's okay. You guys can take off your pants." Kenny stripped his pants without hesitation. Kenny nodded in approval towards me. As I took off my pants Karen and Kenny had already jumped in.

"Is the water cold?" Kenny grinned as he glanced at a giggling Karen. "Nah it's fine Stan! The water is actually pretty warm. C'mon, jump in!" I sighed. I have a feeling I shouldn't believe that cheesey grin. But I shrugged it off and jumped in.

Right when I landed into the water I began splashing as cold water met my skin. My splashing hit Kenny as he tried to grab my wrist. "What the-! Kenny you-!" I groaned in frustration as I realized I couldn't curse in front of the younger girl.

Kenny grabbed my wrist. "Chill Stan." He chuckled. I splashed him. "Hey!" Karen also splashed him. "Splash Kenny!!" I smirked as Karen and I teamed up on Kenny. "Ah! Karen! Pick a side already!"


I pulled my dry pants on over my wet underwear. I turned around to see a shirtless Kenny with dry pants on. Karen came out from behind a large bush wearing Kenny's shirt. "I'm kind of hungry.." Kenny frowned at his younger sister.

"Hey we can get lunch at my house." Karen's disappointed face brightened up and she smiled at me. "Really? Thank you Stan!" She hugged my arm. Kenny looked down awkwardly. "You.. don't have to do that Stan." I smiled as I thumped his nose with my middle finger. "Come on moron. We're stopping for ice cream on the way."

Karen jumped with joy. "Yay!" Kenny smiled at me as I lead them towards my house and as promised I stopped and got ice cream on the way.

"No way! Did your friend really do that?" Kenny was telling Karen about one of our many adventures. Karen was asking me to make sure her brother wasn't kidding with her. I fished my house key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

"Yeah. Cartman and Kyle get each other to do the weirdest stuff." Kenny laughed as he followed Karen and me inside. "Those to will do anything just to prove the other one wrong." Karen giggled.

"I'm gonna go put some dry clothes on. Hey Karen my mom kept some of my sister's old clothes if you wanna wear them." Karen nodded and gave me a small smile as I led her up stairs. I gave let her pick out some clothes from my mother's closet that were in crates.

She got dressed in the bathroom and Kenny followed me into my room. I threw some clean underwear and jeans at his face as I found the sane for me. "Um.. You wanna wait till your sister is done?" Kenny laughed. "None sense! We'll both just turn around. I promise not to peek."

I hesitated before nodding. I turned around and began to strip. After I was finished I waited until he was done. "Alright Stan." I turned around to see him standing there. "Oh yeah. You wanna borrow a shirt?" Kenny shook his head. "How about a hoodie?" He nodded.

I threw an old orange hoodie I never wore and he caught it. "You can keep it. Let's eat."


"Thanks Stan! This sandwich is really good! What kind of chips are these? Doritos? They're so good! I like this show! It's called Sherlock, right?" Kenny chuckled at his sister and smiled at me. I stopped in mid bite as I realized he was staring at me.

I set my sandwich down on my plate near my soda can. "What?" Kenny chuckled at me as he finished the rest of his chips. "Your a good person Stan. I think your sweet." I blushed as Karen turned and smiled at us. "Yeah. You are Stan. You don't judge us either."

I was surprised to hear that. "I've never heard anyone say anything bad about either of you except Cartman.. But he's Cartman." She shook her hard. "No. Their eyes judge us. We can see it in their eyes."

Kenny smiled. "Thanks Stan." I smiled. "No. Thank you guys. This has been one of the greatest days of my life. I've never been more happy." We all smiled at each other. Soon we all got back to watching tv and eating. I felt Kenny look over at me every now and then.

Shivers ran through me every time he looked at me. I yawned and looked at my phone for the time. I was getting kind of late. "You guys wanna stay the night or something?" Karen smiled up at her brother in hope. Her smile disappeared when he shook his head. "No. That's fine. We should get going though. Thanks for hanging out with us and for the food."

Karen hugged me and headed for the door. "I'll wait outside for you Kenny. Thanks for everything Stan." Karen shut the door after stepping outside. Kenny and I stood up and stretched. "Bie Kenny. See you at-" I was cut off as he pulled me into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and returned the embrace.

"Bie Stan." My face grew hot. "Bie Kenny... Hurry up and go make sure your sister is safe." I pushed him away gently. Kenny chuckled. "Your so cute Stan. Catch ya later babie~" I felt flustered as Kenny walked out the door. I walked over and locked it as a smile stayed plastered on my face.


I sighed deeply as I stared at my ceiling in the dark. I don't know why but I can't sleep. I just continued to smile at the darkness in my room. I kind of miss Kenny. I wish that he would show up for no reason.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on the front door loudly. I ran down the steps silently hoping for Kenny to be on the other side of the door. I opened the door and almost laughed when I saw Kenny standing there sheepishly. "Hey Stan."

"Kenny. What are you doing here?" I couldn't let him think I wanted him here. Even though it's true. I shivered. It was cold outside and I just realized that Kenny was freezing his ass off. I pulled him inside and shut the door.

"Heh. Sorry Stan. I was just wondering if I could still take you up on that offer?" I smiled as I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs into my bedroom. We laid down next to each other. "Why didn't you want to earlier?" I asked a bit curious. Seems like i've been really curious about alot of things lately.

He pulled me closer and my face was met with his chest. "Karen hasn't really stayed at someone's house before. She'd be freaking out all night." Kenny pulled me ontology of him. I blushed as I listened to his heart beat.

"Your so warm." His heart beat sped up when I said that. I wrapped my arms around his neck and drifted off to sleep.

A/N. Sorry it took me awhile to update. I have been busy (sort of true) and shit happens (very true)... Sorry if this seems rushed.

I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic. Give me some feedback! Later homies~

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