Chapter 19

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"Fall back! Fall back now!" Tchalla orders out to everyone as the large disks roll through, destroying everything in their paths. Everyone starts running around to escape them but continue fighting the enemy.

"Focus that fire on the left flank, Sam." Rhode instructed, flying over one of the wheels.

"I'm doing it." Sam told him as they both shot at it to take it down. Pietro had moved you back towards Natasha and Okoye where you all continued to fight alongside them, helping the two women.

"Nice of you to join us Maximoff" Natasha calls over to you as she pushed back an outrider and you tore through it. You all turned at a loud rumbling to see the wheels coming towards you. Pulling up a shied around you and the two women you prayed it would be enough but you felt no impact. Looking back up, you made eye contact with your sister, smiling proudly at her as she gave you a slight nod. Wanda had dropped in a moment before and picked up the wheels throwing them down behind you all, taking out a wave of incoming aliens.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked us as if Wanda should have been down helping you the entire time.

"Come on! This isn't over yet" you reminded running off into the fight again as Wanda simply shook her head at your eagerness to help.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Sam warned as he flew overhead and spotted the Android being tackled out of the lab window. Just as he finished his warning you watched him be tackled to the ground by an alien, unable to get to the Android your sister was dating.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve shouted.

"I got him!" Bruce flew over towards them in the forest.

"On my way." Wanda reported before being punched into a ditch by the female alien.

"Wanda!" You called, running towards her. The woman had jumped down and stood over your sister, flipping her over as Wanda tried to crawl back in fear.

"He'll die alone. As will you." The woman stated, standing over your sister strongly.

"She's not alone." You stated back, joining the duo in the ditch with Natasha beside you. The woman turned to face you both before looking to Okoye who had jumped in on the other side. She jumped up and clashed her staff onto Natashas before Okoye had jumped over to join. Striking her staff against the others women's they all ducked as another wheel jumped over the ditch. You had been trying to help Wanda up when the woman had knocked away Natashas batons beside you, kicking back the assassin and throwing the warrior on the other side of you.

You looked over as she stood over Natasha, grabbing the batons you had decided to jump in. You had phased through the woman so that you were now in between her and Natasha. You used the skills that Natasha had taught you and fought against the alien. Hitting the batons against her staff you phased it through so that you hit her in the face but the woman fought back and moved to punch you as you turned invisible and phased. The dust in the ditch was kicked up and you were found in your invisible form.

"Y/n!" Natasha warned but it was too late as you had been kicked to the ground. Suddenly a red glow covered the woman and she was thrown into the air by your sister while a wheel jumped overhead again.

"That was really gross." Natasha sighed as she sat up to reveal the blue blood on her face. You wiped at your forehead to find a blue liquid was also splattered on your own face. You winced in disgust at the sight of the aliens blood on you.

"MAYEFA!" Mbaku starts to chant again after bashing an outrider.

"YA HU HU!" The others joined in on the chant.

Wanda had dropped into the forest while you and Pietro ran to join her. She rushed to Visions side as he had been stabbed once again and was now laying against a tree.

"Are you okay?" She holds his face with one hand before he flinched in pain at the stone glowing. "What? What is it?" She worried.

"He's here." Vision stated his warning as you all grew tense. The area was quiet with a soft wind blowing through the leaves. Looking to your brother he gave your hand a squeeze as a silent way of reassuring you.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve instructed the other avengers to join you in the forest area. You all turned to see a large dark portal open up ahead, a purple man walking out. Vision watched in fear while the rest of you got ready to fight till death.

"Cap. That's him." Bruce nodded.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve reminded as he ran into the fight, shields ready.

The first person to rush in was Bruce in his Hulkbuster armour but before he could reach Thanos he was surrounded by a blue aura from the space stone, moving him past the purple man and onto a wall of rocks. Next was Steve who was simply blasted off to the side by the power stone. The king of Wakanda rushed in next, jumping down to be caught by his throat and punched to the ground. Sam flew in with his guns blazing before he too was punched down in front of the titan. You and Pietro watched in fear as you stood beside your sister in front of her boyfriend to protect the mind stone from getting into the hands of the mad titan. Avengers fell before you and something told you that this would be the end.

"Wanda. It's time." Vision pleads as she stands in front of him protectively and she looks back.

"No." She argued about to turn around again and face the Titan with you.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone." He turns her and holds her hand.

"Don't." She demands.

"You must do it. Wanda, please. We...are...out of time." He places her hand on his cheek.

"I can't." She whispers softly while shaking her head against the idea.

"Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies." He placed her hand in front of his head.


"It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is." He explained. "It's all right. You could never hurt me...." he trails, letting go of her hand as she is on the verge of tears. You looked to your brother as you both knew you would be the last line of defence for the couple and that you would need to help your sister through this loss. "I just...feel you." He promised as she sent her powers into his forehead, working to destroy the stone and her lover along with it.

You looked out as Rhode attacked next to be crushed in his own suit. Bucky and Okoye ran out, both being blasted aside like Steve had been. Next Natasha was tripped, pinned to the ground by trees and roots with the air being forced out of her lungs. Groot wrapped his arms around the titan but they were broken with one strong push. Looking back at your sister she watched with sorry eyes. You gave her a small nod before turning and running in with your brother. Pietro had been lifted off the ground, Thanos burning a hole in the side of his head. You stumbled back slightly in fear, knowing you had to protect the pair behind you. Running in you had turned invisible but were pushed back by a purple stone. You grumbled, getting back up quickly and phasing through him to get back in front of the pair, defending them until your last breath. Putting up a shield around your sister and her boyfriend you left yourself exposed to the danger of the man behind you.

Question of the day: what do you think will happen to Y/n?

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