Chapter 51

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"Somethings going on here Wanda" you told her intently, only trying to help and figure out why you remembered dying at the hands of Thanos.

"What? No"

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" Wandas head shot to the side as Billy called out for her and Tommy followed right behind him.

"What? What is it, Billy?" Wanda stood with worry.

"I hear Dad in my head. He's in trouble." He told her, panting from running.

"Vision" you thought back, remembering his grey corpse laying in Wakanda.

"I don't understand. What's happening to me?" Billy panicked.

"Where is he? Where's your dad?" Wanda asked sternly. "Billy, I need you to focus." Wanda talked to him after he stuttered and shook his head.

"I can't tell. I see these..." he closed his eyes to focus. "...soldiers. They think he's dying!" Billy's eyes shot open with panic as Wanda suddenly stopped everything around her. Eyes glowing red she pushed out her powers and extended the Hex, bringing Vision back inside where he would be safe.


"Jimmy. Jimmy, do you see that?" Natasha asked the man in the backseat.

"Something's happening! It's moving! Go, go!" Jimmy urged Clint who pressed his foot to the gas pedal, driving them away from the extending barrier.


"How is Wanda?" Pietro asked when you walked downstairs after checking on her.

"She still asleep" you answered, slightly worried for her and mostly confused about what was going on. "Hey, Pietro. Last night did you get these memories of fighting robots and aliens?"

"And dying, yeah"

"What is going on here?"

"My best guess? Someone trapped us here and gave us false memories to mess with us" Your brother answered, but you couldn't tell weather he was joking or not.

"But what memories are real and what ones are fake?"

"Don't stress about it. We are here with our family and that's all that matters right now" he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder until you heard the twins call up to their mother.

"Mom!" Billy shouted upstairs.

"Let's go check on her" Tommy started up towards her room.

"No" you groaned, chasing after the boys to stop them from bothering your sister who was clearly going through something.

"Mom, are you coming down soon?" Tommy asked her, blanket covering her body from the world.

"Mom, our game is freaking out!" Billy added, referring to the controllers that had been glitching and changing.

"Is she asleep?" Tommy questioned his brother.

"Mommy's not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes." Wanda claimed after not responding to their problems.

"Mom, my head feels weird. It's, like, really noisy. I don't like it." Billy told her his next complaint.

"Resting... Her... Eyes." Wanda repeated as the boys looked to each other with worry.

"Let's leave your mom alone" You escorted them out of the room and back down to the living room.

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