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Gerald had been seeing Tracey all over social media with killa and it was billing his blood. He hated that she left him for the side he worked for. His hatred for Killa has only gotten stronger than when he first found it that she was talking to him in the club. Still to this day no one knows any Gerald had spotting on her while she was working but it never helped their situation. That only gave Gerald more reason to hit her and beat on bed seeing their relationship. He was so caught up in the thought of Tracey cheating when he was the one doing the cheating.

Tracey never thought that he would pull stunts and things but it eventually started coming to the light. When they broke up Gerald realized he lost a good one and he wanted to fix things between them. He stopped messing with every female he was dealing with and started his mission into winning Tracey back. It was too late for to even try to win her back. He figured that by him apologizing and leaving lovely text messages that she told cave in. When she didn't reply to any he knew that he had to see her face to face but didn't want to be obvious.

He called up a few of his friends and they went to the club that Tracey works at. Gerald had bout a booth so people wouldn't notice him being in there. He started eye watching to see if he could find her but she was not in view. As he was about to get up Sasha came to the table. Gerald had only met Sasha a few times and he knew from those times that she was just as big of a hoe as him If not bigger.

"Y'all looking for some fun?" Sasha was trying to let her feelings go for Killa by clinging on to and chained who was willing

"You gone show us what this fun talking bout  or stand there?!!"


Tracey and killa just finished having mind blowing sex and were in need of some water. Sex can really tire you out. Tracey had walked out to go to the bar. She passed up each area seeing all of the strippers or bottles girls doing what they usually do. She stopped along the way when she seen Gerald in a booth with his friends and hoped not to run into him. What surprised her was seeing Sasha over there and even though she didn't mess with Gerald she was still hoeing on his friends.

It didn't surprise tracey at all. She hated the fact that Gerald didn't like Sasha or Kim and he would constantly Call them both hoes. I guess on Sasha's end he was somewhat right but she always defended her friend. She quickly walked away before anyone spotted her. To her relief no one spotted her or so she thought. Gerald had found her by the bar and was now making his way over to her.

Gerald only came to the club because he wanted to get Tracey back. In his mind he felt that Tracey was only messing with killa to make Gerald jealous but everyone else around could tell that Tracey didn't care one bit about Gerald anymore. He didn't want to let her go and he didn't want to be competition either. He knew that he couldn't fight killa and win. As much as Gerald tried to boost hisself up like he was that dude, it was all a lie and a front.

By the time he got to the bar Tracey was already going back to the room. He followed her and made sure no one saw him. Once they had reached the room Tracey opened the door wide revealing Roman. Gerald put his hoodie over his head and some shades and walked to the room next door so he wouldn't be seen. He put his ear to way to listen to what was going on but got no luck since each room was sound proof.

He walked to the door and opened it slightly so he could see if anybody were walking out of their rooms. He waited by door for thirty minutes until killa had walked out to go to the restroom. Once killa left he made his way to Tracey's room and locked the door. When Tracey looked up she screamed hoping someone would hear her but no one could. She tried to run but Gerald pulled her back.

"Leave me alone and get off of me." She screamed hitting him as hard as she could

"I just wanted to talk and apologize and get my woman back. I never meant to hurt you or anything of that nature. I was just going through some things. I miss you tray and I wanna be with you."

"Well I don't wanna be with you." She bit his hands making him release. She mangas to unlock the door and escape just in time.

"I will find you Tracey and you will be mines.... I got your friend."

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