Part Eight

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Another day at Work means another day with Olivia.

"goddamn it Olivia!" i gasps when i feel cold liquid run down my back.

this puta.

"didn't see you there" she gives me a pout and walks away, swaying her hips around unnecessarily.

i don't wanna kill her but if she keeps being like this i might just pull my gun out and shoot her dead.

and i will enjoy it.

i huff and walk to the bathroom with a new work shirt and shorts, taking my time yet that didn't last very long. "hurry up Angelina, i cant be doing everything alone!" her annoying voice echoed through the bathroom,"shut up and let me clean myself!" i huff out. "hurry up then!" she yells into the bathroom and walks back out, the clicking of her heels slowly fading.

did i forgot to mention that me and Olivia where working all alone today? Martha said and i quote 'i'm sure after working together all alone, you guys will bond like no one else' my fucking ass grandma.


i sigh finally feeling clean and make my way back out to the counter, tucking my hair behind my ear, i taking the next ten Customers orders while also having to do them all and Olivia?

flirting, as always.

"Olivia help me out!" i glance at her in which she shakes her head as a respond still talking to these group of guys.

i take a deep breath and step closer to her "you can flirt after you are done so your better ass behind the counter and take the orders before it ends very fucking ugly for you " i whisper harshly into her ear.

"don't boss me around" she huff standing up and pushing hard against my shoulder before making her way behind the counter, nope i'm done.

it's either i kill her right now or take a break.

"i'm taking a break" i walk off to the backrooms not giving her a chance to respond, i quickly light myself a cigarette while stepping out to the back alley. i lean back against the wall and enjoy my smoke.

i'm not a smoker, not at all but sometimes it helps me keep my anger in control and right now god knows i need one badly or else i will sin.


five hours hours felt like hell, i never hated this job till now.

just two more hours, athena you got this. i kept on repeating to myself.

i was now cleaning the Coffee machines since no one was really coming in to order and i must have drifted off because i was pulled out of my thoughts by a deep cough.

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