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Hey my little Kittens OwO (=゚ω゚)ノ I lwove u all read my story or u suck Pepe


CockKit wasn't an ordinary kit. He had secret powers no one knew about. Except his parents of course. He could use ice powers with his paws.

His parents Would often tell him the story of how he was born. It was a full moon night and there was a storm. When the lighting struck he was born and was shooting white ice everywhere. He was special.

He walked outside and cleaned his black fur with white paws and one green eye and one blue eye with a strange lightning mark on his chest that was white. Today was his ceremony for birthing an apprenticeship.

As CockPaw walked outside everyone gatheee around and watxhed him. Bluestar looked down at cockkit and livked his mouth. Today you will be cockpaw and tigerstar will be your mentor.

Tigerstars musscles ripped as she walked over and growled. "Hello mouseCock i am yor metor" he grolwed.

Cockpaw shunk back and cried. Why was togterClaw his mentor why couodbt he have lioneXlaw instead?   


"Lets go hunting"  "Ok"

The two cats paddled outdside the camp and smelled mouse.

"Okay croujch down and smeel the mouse" tigerclaw told him. CockPaw did that and killed the mouse with a bite. "Omg i did it" he creamed delighted.

Suddenly he realized he was lost in the forect. He looked around scared.

Suddenly a black shade pinned him tot he ground. Being scared he took out his paw and sprayed the cat with ice popers. The cat flew to the ground and cried in pai.N

"OMG My eYES ARE FORZEN" he cried. CockPaw locked at who he had froze. It was a pretty gray cat boy with blue strips.

"H-h-hey... o(*////▽////*)q" CockPaw said shiley. Blushed his fur glowing in the moonlight.

DragonPaw blushed back and liked his nosd. "I-it's okay baby"

Cock frowned and loked to his paw. @i know we r from diffreant clans and we are boys but I think we should see each other at night"

"Y/yeah definitely" Dragonpawed moewed bouncing.

That night as CockKit went to sleep in his nest he kept thinking of the blue cat he had seen that day and pured haply meow<<3!!!


Omg guys that for the support ÓwÒ u Shoukd like and sucibe or else I'll murder y-your whole family /ns 

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