opening night part one

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Violet's Costume

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Violet's Costume

It was opening night, and I was backstage finishing up my makeup. As Madame Grande La Bouche (aka the wardrobe), I was dressed in a yellowy-green opera dress paired with my character shoes and a complicated half up/half down twist in my hair.

The past couple weeks had gone by so quickly, and tech week was so complicated and busy that I never truly got the chance to sit down and talk to Ricky.

After Ricky's fall, he was left with a sprained ankle and a broken wrist, and as he'd landed on Ashlyn when he fell, she'd also been left with a sprained wrist.

Luckily, Ricky's ankle was better so he could do the choreography part of the show, although the both of them would be in wrist braces for the whole show which was kind of an issue.

After the 'moment' kinda thing we had the night of his fall, I really just wanted to talk to him because I was slowly realizing that my feelings for him weren't completely gone.

The plan was to write what I felt in my cast note for him, but whenever I sat down to write it I was plagued with the worst writer's block ever. While I could express my feelings for him, it was just super difficult to get all of that across in a couple paragraphs.

Once I'd finished my makeup, I wandered around backstage and gave notes to all my cast mates. Except Ricky, that is. I still had no clue what to write, so I was gonna try my best to find time during a scene I wasn't in to write something in the card.

I'd drafted what I was going to say nearly 20 times within the notes on my phone, but I still couldn't figure out exactly what to say.

It was super frustrating.

Once I was done handing out the notes that I'd actually managed to write out, I went over and sat next to Carlos & Seb.

They were both completely ready, although Carlos seemed to be in the midst of freaking out. Understandable, of course. Your first show was always nerve-wracking, so I completely understood how he felt.

"Aww you guys look so good!" I exclaimed.

Carlos nodded and just continued facing forward.

"You do too, Vi. That dress gives me a Peggy Schuyler vibe, but in like the best way possible", Seb said.

I laughed, "Aw thanks!"

"He's so nervous. It's making me nervous!" Seb said, gesturing to Carlos.

"I know how he feels though. But yeah, it's making me a bit nervous too. I don't go on until like scene 5, so I have time to just sit back here which is both a good and bad thing because it means I can have time to either relax or panic. And knowing me, I'll probably use that time to panic", I laughed.

"Same. Last show, I went on pretty early so it's weird to wait so long before I go onstage", Seb nodded.

After some more time of talking to Seb, Miss Jenn had us do our Show Circle.

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