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Violet's Outfit

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Violet's Outfit

Today at practice, we were mostly running scenes that I wasn't even in, so I was sitting in the dressing room sharing a gigantic bag of caramel M&M's with Carlos.

"...So he just told you that he loves you?", Carlos asked, after I'd told him all about Ricky and I.

While Ricky and I had kinda had a moment a couple of nights ago, nothing had really changed between us. Stupidly, I had thought that after that we would start dating or something, but nope. We still had the same dynamic we'd had since the fourth grade.

"Yeah. He did. It really surprised me, but it was so cute!", I said.

"Everything about Ricky Bowen is cute. He was really good at puberty. I mean, remember middle school?", Carlos asked.

"Yeah he was really good at puberty. Seventh grade was rough for everyone though", I said laughing.

"Facts. I tried to act hetero the whole time. I mean, I was friends with classic "bro" EJ Caswell", Carlos said.

I shuddered, "EJ creeps me out. I just don't like him. He makes me super uncomfortable", I said.

"He's also kind of a dick. Don't forget that. And he can't sing either. The other day during one on one vocal training, where it was just her and I in the choir room with EJ she told me that EJ has the singing technique of a twelve year old boy", Carlos said.

I burst out laughing, "Shes so not wrong!".

"Anyways, back to you and Ricky. When he sang that song at auditions, I almost fainted. That boy can sing. Like really, really well. Well, not as good as Ben Platt, but he was still super super good", Carlos said.

"No one is as good as Ben Platt. But, yeah I was surprised too. He always acts like he'd rather do anything than sing or watch a musical but he's really talented. Carlos, do you think that I fucked up my chances of being with him by saying I love you?"

"He said it back, so I don't really think so. You two are perfect for one another, and I really hope that you two do end up together. I actually think that he might be anxious about saying I love you to you. I mean, doesn't he have problems saying I love you? He's probably the one stressing. If I were you, I'd just talk to him. I've seen the way that he looks at you. He feels the same way. No doubt about it", Carlos said.

"Awww. I hope so. You give really great advice, Carlos. You should like start a column in the newspaper", I said.

Carlos laughed, "Meh , maybe. The newspaper people don't really like me because I posted something really bad about their bad review of the Color Guard's performance at the spring pep rally last year on my Insta story", he said.

"I love that", I said.


Gina Porter stepped away from the dressing room doorway once Carlos and Violet stopped talking about Ricky Bowen. Gina originally went over there to get her phone, but she sat there, listening. If she made it known that Ricky told Violet "I love you" Nini would be absolutely destroyed, and so would Ricky. Perfect for getting her and EJ the roles of Gabriella and Troy. Gina had a plan, and an ultimatum. And she knew damn well that she'd get what she wanted. Especially with what she knew know.

Author's Note: hi! This chapter is super short, but I just wanted to set up some drama for my next couple of chapters, and also for Ep 5 of HSMTMTS! I want to thank all of you for reading this! I am so so appreciative of all to you reading this, and for helping this story get to #2 in the HSMTMTS tag! Expect the next chapter in a few days!


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