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honesty is something everyone wants, but lies are always the first thing that comes to a human's mind

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honesty is something everyone wants, but lies are always the first thing that comes to a human's mind. lying is always the easiest way out of things. the more you do it the more it becomes effortless. the words flow out of your mouth as if you were talking about something you loved.

it soon becomes a natural habit that you can't stop even if you wanted to.

afterall when did a little lie hurt anyone?

✧༺ ༻∞  ∞༺ ༻✧

it didn't take long for the word to spread around. historia reiss was now known to be a cheater. you found it funny, how someone who was deemed to be all smiley and happy could do such a thing.

whispers echoed in the hallway as the blonde walked down. her head was hung down low, eyes staring at the floor refusing to look up.

furrowing your eyebrows you walked up to the small group of friends by a wall of lockers. "what happened to historia?"

sasha pushed her lips together, turning to look at connie. jean sighed, speaking up "you haven't heard?"

being even more confused you looked between the two "heard what?"

"historia got caught cheating on ymir with some guy."

following the voice you were met with eren. "wait really?!". the male nodded his head in response. fully turning around to face eren you asked another question.

"how'd ymir find out?"

eren pulled out his phone, typing for a second before turning it around. the screen lit up with a familiar picture. frowning, you shook your head in disappointment "that's horrible."

sasha nodded her head in agreement while shoving a lollipop in her mouth "ymir is taking it okay though". standing still for a second you smiled "that's great."

changing the subject you focused your attention to the three males "so are you guys doing football?". connie nodded his head aggressively, "of course, and i'm gonna make it."

jean squinted his eyes poking connie's arm "not with those noodle arms." eren ignored the two looking at you "why, wanna come see me play?"

shaking your head you smiled "i was just wondering"

connie gasped "that hurts my feelings y/n!". sasha rolled her eyes pushing connie out of the way "y/n you'll come to my games right?"

tilting your head you spoke to the girl "volleyball, correct?" sasha smiled brightly, "yes! you remembered"

"of course i'll watch you play"

the girl punched her fist in the air "suck it losers, i'm her favorite!"

you chuckled a bit before the bell cut the interaction off. waving bye to everyone you turned on your heel and walked away. taking a deep breath you sighed looking around at students walking past you.

groups of girls whispered to each other while boys were shouting over everyone. this day was going slower and slower by the minute. you had one more class to sit through which was a plus. feeling a hand on your shoulder you turned around to be met with eren.

"we have the same class next, so is it cool if i walk with you?"

you nodded your head while the male walked next to you copying your footsteps trying to match the rhythm. smiling you would switch up how you were walking, making the male struggle. eren let out a laugh pushing your shoulder gently "stop that!"

laughing along with him you shook your head "i don't know what you're talking about."

after another try he finally matched your footsteps but that didn't last long since you both had arrived to class. you grasped the door handle as you faced him "so much for your effort."

eren let out a huff following you into the classroom. looking around you picked a random seat while a girl called eren over. tapping on the smooth flat surface you looked out the little door window to see jean with a girl. you couldn't exactly tell who it was because she walked away too quickly.

once jean walked in you wiggled your eyebrows at him causing him to chuckle. plopping down in the seat beside you, your body quickly turned to face him "so who's the girl?". his face went completely red as he looked away from you. squinting your eyes you hit his shoulder "come on jean boy!"

after taking a deep breath he finally looked at you "it's no one i swear". you blinked at his awful lie. suddenly the male looked up and started praying. groaning you slumped down into your seat "fine i won't ask".

jean smiled looking up "thank you!".

the class didn't last long, which was weird since erwins class was the most boring. time always seemed to pass by so slowly. the bell rang causing everyone to quickly pack up. grabbing your stuff you walked in the hallway going to the nearest exit.

as you turned a corner you collided with someone. their books fell and scattered onto the floor while they stumbled back a bit. you grabbed their shoulder keeping them balanced, sighing you bent down picking the textbooks up "sorry about that."

the girl quickly waved her hands "its fine, i wasn't watching where i was going anyways."

nodding, you stood up handing her the books. before you could walk away she spoke "you're that new girl.. y/n correct?". "yeah that's me."

she smiled, holding out her hand "nice to meet you, im hitch!". you hesitated at first but shook her hand "nice to meet you too." with that you walked off to the double doors that led to the outside.

in all honesty you found this school to be interesting. maybe too interesting for your liking. it was only a matter of time before everything went downhill, and if anything you were going to see it all unfold right in front of your eyes. that was a promise.

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