⌗007 HOPE

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deception. we all know this word. we've probably all done it. the act of deceiving someone into believing something that's not remotely true.

deception can be labeled as bad. or maybe it shields people from the truth. deceiving people is so easy. the way the brain works can be humiliating sometimes.

i mean do you believe in everything I've told you?

maybe I just deceived you.

✧༺ ༻∞  ∞༺ ༻✧

students filed into groups as teachers began to count making sure no one was missing. Once the counting was done students walked away trying to find their friends.

sitting on a concrete ledge you crossed your right leg over the left looking around. nothing peeked your interest as you now wanted to go back inside.

yes it was you who pulled the fire alarm but you now regret it realizing how cold it is. you pulled the thin jacket closer to your body checking your phone for the fifth time.

taking into account that the school's staff had probably figured out there was no fire. you assumed you would have to stay out here for about eight minutes.

thankfully the eight minutes didn't last long as teachers yelled to go back to class. getting up you dusted off your butt walking off. shuffling your feet to the school doors you muttered a thank you to the girl who held it open for you.

the girl quickly joined by your side causing you to furrow your eyebrows. after taking a look at her features you realized it was a hitch. offering a smile your eyes shifted to her hands. "hey hitch."

smiling back she said a quick hello before giving you a flyer. adverting your eyes from the paper you looked away "no thank you." huffing she frowned "come on just try it!".

you opened your mouth to protest again until your eyes latched onto two very familiar girls with the same paper. running your tongue along your cheek you looked at hitch "if i do it will you stop bothering me?"

the dirty blonde grabbed a paper shoving it into your hands before running off "i better see you there y/n!"

lifting the paper you read through it taking into account when and where the tryouts were taking place. as you were about to read the last sentence the paper was snatched out of your hands. before you could react to the action a girl jumped up and down "your trying out!?"

turning around, sasha gushed on and on how you two would be best teammates. groaning you grabbed the paper back "yeah yeah.'' the girl was ecstatic as she couldn't contain how happy she was. in all honesty sasha loved you as a friend. you were a generally good person who was funny, and if needed you become serious.

trying desperately to calm down the girl, two voices interfere with your pleas to get sasha to shut up.
"what's going on?"

both sasha and you looked over to see eren and connie giving you weird looks. getting the paper grabbed out of your hand once again you looked at the girl in disbelief. sasha shoved the paper in their faces pointing at the words printed on it "y/n is finally gonna try out for volleyball.. with me!"

eren took the paper out of sasha's hand giving it to you with a smile on his face "well good for you". returning the smile you looked back to sasha to see connie screeching "get off me you hog!"

the girl stopped her actions as the rude name finally settled in her head "did you call me a hog?!". connie smiled, shaking his head while looking at you for help. walking up to sasha you placed your arm on her shoulder "your gonna let him talk to you like that?"

the buzz cut male took off running while yelling "screw you y/n!"

chuckling, you watched sasha run after his frail body.

"well that was cruel"

turning to face eren you shrugged. "so if I try out, are you gonna come and watch me?" raising a brow the male scrunched up his face "why would i do that?". gasping you wiped a fake tear away from your face "how rude jaeger"

the male blinked at you "you never told me your last name." blinking back at him you responded "that's because i don't have one"

smirking, he tilted his head back slightly "want one?". scoffing you shook your head "yeah but not yours"

taking a step forward he raised his head reaching for your hair to mess it up. slapping his hands away you reached up trying to pull his man bun out. you both stood in the hallway desperately trying to mess each other's hair up.

finally after a minute you yanked the rubber band out of his man bun. right when you did the action his hair quickly came down at shoulder length. it shocked you that it actually looked good. scrunching your face up you looked down at the hair tie in your hand "rubber bands are so bad for your hair"

"then what am i supposed to use, grass?"

rolling your eyes at his comment, you reached into your backpack pocket. as your fingertips reached a soft hair tie you pulled it out. a dark green velvet scrunchie sat in the palm of your hand. eren grabbed it out of your hand bringing it up to behind his head to redo his man bun.

taking all the hair into his palm he wrapped the scrunchie around the ponytail that he had formed . as he twisted the scrunchie around his hair again he pulled his hair halfway through, creating the signature look. pieces of his hair fell forward framing his face.

pointing at the male you gave him a warning "lose it and i'll rip out all your hair"

putting his hands up he frowned "damn i promise"

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

it was now the end of the day. you had changed into the right attire for volleyball and you were now going to the gym. scrolling through your phone you read through what was trending.

lifting your arm up, your hand gripped onto the door handle. with a gentle pull it swung open. walking in, you located hitch and started to walk over to her.

as if the female could feel you approaching she turned around. when she did her eyes landed straight onto you.

smiling she placed her hand on her hips "you actually came"

shrugging you let out a huff  "i'm not a liar."

"well, let's hope we make the team together."

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