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we've put all of our trust into a seven letter word

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we've put all of our trust into a seven letter word. and why is that? we throw it around like it's some type of ball and hope the other person catches it.

we use it to make deals and agreements.

but no one ever realizes how much power that word has.

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once your phone fell back into your lap you looked up scanning the backyard. the storm was still heavy just like yesterday. puddles were scattered across the yard and you were sure the amount of water was going to kill the plants. yet from the puddles weeds began to grow just a bit taller, which would make more work for pon. but while you examined the ongoing storm you didn't fail to notice another presence.

you had wondered when he was going to reveal himself. and you were guessing he came out to add onto levis do's and don'ts rant.

cocking your head to the side you lowly spoke "are you just going to stand there?"

the male smiled, taking a couple steps forward to plop down into the chair next to you. getting comfortable he rested his arms on the side and turned his head to look at you "hesitation will always be your first mistake."

shrugging you continued to gaze at the drowning plants "hesitation keeps us in check. makes us realize what we're doing and if we really want to go through with it. but to say this is my first mistake? I feel like this is my tenth mistake." you explained.

nodding his head he averted his eyes to the water falling off the roof. it was a constant stream that went straight into the ground. dirt and grass getting picked up as the hole began to get deeper. "then tell me what your first mistake was?"

taking in a shallow breath you let out a sigh "going to that school."

clicking his tongue he chuckled "wrong."

creasing your brows you gave him a quick glance "then what would my first mistake be?" you questioned.

looking over at you he frowned realizing that you had no recollection of the memory. you must have stored it in the back of your head, obviously not holding onto it like you promised. "promise me when you finally find someone, you will drop whatever this is called." he repeated.

your eyes slightly widened and your brian shocked you with the unlocked memory. it played in your mind and once again you broke a promise. staring off into the yard you opened your mouth only for him to cut you off "your first mistake was not listening to me. I never told you that to rip you away from what you were doing. and I know at that time you assumed I was, but I just wanted you to take a different path than me. which didn't work because you followed my exact footsteps." he mumbled.

shaking your head you finally faced him "i never thought about it like that. I just didn't understand the need, and believed that I would never need that advice in the future."

"and if I were to give you advice right now would you listen to me?" he questioned with a small smile.

looking down you tilted your head to the side "maybe. if it's good."

testing his luck he clasped his hand together resting them on his lap "well for starters i want to know what you're thinking."

"I believe it's better if I don't contact them." you whispered.

lifting his hand he pointed at you "are you saying that to protect you or them?"

dropping your head you pursed your lips "pon im fucking scared"

furrowing his brows, his face softened looking at you "what did she do?" he questioned.

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flashback; yesterday

you had spoken your last words while looking at the building in front of you. all that was left was to shift the car into reverse and exit the parking lot. but for some odd reason your body made you sit there in your wet clothes letting everything sink it. the only thing that pulled you out of your drowning thoughts were a couple of taps on the window.

slightly shaking your head you looked to your left to see her standing there. she hovered over the car with the largest smile on her face after witnessing what had just occurred. everything went according to plan and watching eren drive away from you was the highlight of her day. it was something she would treasure forever.

clenching your jaw you lifted your hand and rolled down the window with a push of a button. once the glass was fully down cora chuckled "well that was amazing wasn't it!"

letting out a sharp breath you looked up at her "what do you want?"

scoffing, the female waved her hand in the air while looking around "me? want something?" slowly her lips turned into a smirk as she leaned down to get eye level with you "i want you gone for good."

"well i would have never fucking guessed!" you jeered.

giving you a pity look she twisted her lips to the side "i don't think you understand, so let me be clear. If I see you step foot into this school or even this town, I will make sure erens life goes to shit. all it takes is just a simple call and no job or college will ever accept him. and you better believe I'll have videos ready to be sent to him."

your brows creased at her words and you leaned back into your seat. you had made mikasa a promise and now you're making a promise to yourself right now. never again will you see eren hurt like that again. if you have to let cora destroy you and drag you down then you will. because at the end of the day it will be worth it. he can live out his dreams and go down his own path. a path where people won't meddle around in his business.

cora lifted her finger tapping on the door, regaining your attention "so do we have a deal?" she beamed.

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"I'll admit it, I'm afraid to go back. I don't want to hurt him again." you expressed.

pon lifted his hand, setting it on your back. he began to move his hand up and down hoping to calm you down "we go into life blindly, each choice we make can do great damage. it's really only a guessing game and right now you're thinking too much into it." he explained.

your vision started to get blurry as tears sat on your waterline. they threatened to fall but you held them back not wanting to have a pity fit again "if i go back im risking too much. I'm putting someone else's future at risk."

"but you could also be putting yourself in his future if you do it correctly." the male uttered trying to get your mind to waver.

shaking your head you let out a small cry "and if i do it wrong this could affect him for life. me staying here in marley will be better for all of them. the outcome was always the same, I was never there to care. I was only there to destroy."

leaning over towards you, pon wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you into a hug. letting out a sob you lifted your arms and held onto him tightly "i can't do that to him, he deserves better."

"and so do you." he whispered while squeezing you tightly.

rubbing your back he did his best to calm you down. just like old times he would make you count to a certain number and name random objects you see. and like always, it worked. you lifted your hands to wipe the tears from your cheeks.

pon looked down at you, "something big like this was supposed to happen. you're being tested, and now it's time for you to make a choice."

pushing himself up from the chair he gave you a smile,

"I just hope you make the correct choice this time."

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