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To change you have to want it, crave it

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To change you have to want it, crave it. The taste of it should linger on your tongue as you realize the mess around you.

But how do you change? What makes someone get out of their unbreakable habits?

Let me tell you, Nothing.

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The crisp red paper infiltrated your sights. The laughs and small talk grew distant as you stared at the envelope. Surprise overfilled your cup as the water trailed off the table. It spilled on the ground creating small splashes. The crackling of the fire rang in your ears and you squinted.

You hoped what she gave you was her will.

Flickering your eyes back up to the blonde you maintained eye contact for a while. A silent conversation bouncing between you too as you talked with subtle facial expressions.

Yelena's hand waves to the side as she gestures to the back door. Your body inched forward before you were pulled back into reality.

"Hey Y/n do you have popcorn? This would really bring the moment together." Questioned Sasha with a smile. Armin who sat next to you, raised a brow. "A house is burning down, and you want to eat popcorn while watching it?"

"I think it's a brilliant idea." Connie piped in.

Eren scrunched up his nose while looking at the male. "When have your ideas ever been brilliant?"

His breath hit your neck as did the smiling faces of everyone, like a slap to the face. Sasha waited for your answer but all you could do was focus on the blonde who was carefully stepping towards the door.

Your hands lifted and you placed them right over Erens. Ready to release yourself from his hold, to rip open the letter. But your mind fell flat as the envelope stared back at you. The thumping of your heart sent a shock down your body.

If things were going to change, you would have to change with it. No more secrets, or private talks. Not when everyone had their own right to know what was going on. You weren't keeping or hiding things anymore.

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