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Hannah walked into home farm. She wanted to see Adalynn.

She hadnt been at home farm lately. She was avoiding Jamie since they had slept together a few weeks ago and she wanted to forget it and forget that it happened but she knew it wasn't going to be that wast, she knew that adaylnn was her best friend and that she couldn't just forget that whole thing,

Hannah knew it was a mistake and that it was just a one night stand. She but it down to having too much to drink and things getting carried away

Adalynn knew how messy things were and she did want to try and act normal. She didn't want anyone to know how they had slept together and she didn't want Adalynn to know, she knew just how messy it was. Hannah walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Kim

"hi Hannah, I haven't seen you around here lately" Kim said as Hannah smiled "I have had things on that's all is Addie in" Hannah asked

"she should be up soon and you know that you are always welcome here" Kim said as Hannah looked to her and smiled
Hannah stood in the kitchen and looked as Adalynn walked in and smirked

"you look like death" Hannah said as adaylnn looked to her and rolled her eyes

"your not funny han. I really messed up" Adalynn said as Hannah looked to her and frowned

"how do you mean you messed up" Hannah asked as adaylnn looked to her and sighed

"I slept with Graham, it was a mistake and it shouldn't of happened and the last thing I want is for my mum to find out. She will kill me" Adalynn said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"we have all made mistakes. It's natural. It was just a one night stand okay and you can do it, you can move past it unless it was more than that" Hannah said as Adalynn looked to her and sighed

"I don't know what it meant all I know is that it's a mess and I don't know what I am going to do" Adalynn said as Hannah smiled "talk to him and see but just don't tell your mum right now, you know how she will react. You know what she is like" Hannah said as Adalynn looked to her and nodded.

Hannah looked as she saw Jamie and sighed as they made eye contact for a moment and sighed knowing how tense it was between them

Hannah stood outside of home farm and looked to see Jamie. She looked to him and sighed

"I think we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and nodded

"I guess so" Hannah said as he looked to her and smiled

"look I know it's a mess but what happened with us was great but we have to move on it's complicated" Jamie said

"oh I know trust me" Hannah said as he looked to her and smiled "besides I Don't want to risk it with dawn were starting something up" he said as Hannah nodded.

"Look there is no reason for anyone to know Addie is my best friend and I want have her hate me because of one night with you and you can be with whoever you want I am not going to be the clingy girl" Hannah said as she walked off having no idea how linked to Jamie she was going to become

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