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It was no surprise that Aurora Black had taken refuge in the courtyard the next day

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It was no surprise that Aurora Black had taken refuge in the courtyard the next day. She needed the peace, away from the prying eyes that resided back in the castle, away from the curious stares that were constantly trained on her – judging her, picking her apart. The courtyard was by no means a private area, but it was mid-February, and the weather was drab. Aurora was alone. She hadn't been alone like that in a long time.

The daily prophet came that morning. She wasn't on the front page, which featured a detailed description of Krum and Hermione's secret 'rendezvous' and how it would reflect on Harry, and for a while Aurora thought that Skeeter had actually learnt to mind her own business, that perhaps she had opted to leave Aurora and her inevitable humiliation alone. She was wrong.


By Rita Skeeter.

Aurora Black, a troubled young witch, seems to be developing a taste for more than what Hogwarts can offer. Black, daughter to none other than the original Hogwarts heartthrob Sirius Black, has been seen getting rather comfortable around a rather plain and simple individual from Beauxbatons academy, whose name shall remain anonymous; is it possible that Miss Black has taken over her father's legacy?

"She's nothing special," Cormac McLaggen, a fine and dashing fourth year Gryffindor stated when I interviewed him regarding the matter, "Rather troublesome as well. I wouldn't date her if it was a choice between that and eloping with Moaning Myrtle."

"It's funny really, because just last year she was following one of the Weasley twins around like a lovesick puppy," Pansy Parkinson – a pretty and ambitious young slytherin, "Personally, I think that she's putting herself out there a little too much, I mean, you should see what she wears. No respectable woman should dress like that, especially not a Black."

"It's pathetic, really. Just last Winter Aurora was seen being intimate with a seventh year Slytherin at a party – she's throwing herself around at an alarming rate. We can only guess how many people she's affecting with her newfound selfishness; I know I haven't seen Weasley acting quite the same since Aurora broke his heart. She broke my nose last year too – very violent and uncontrollable. A danger really, she is unpredictable, after all." Draco Malfoy, yet another worried slytherin student, told me shortly after the second task.

There are rumours that Miss Black is involved in multiple muggle gangs in London, which would explain her suspicious and mysterious mannerisms, as well as the vile and ghastly scars that slash across her face. Surely Dumbledore will want to investigate the irresponsible and dangerous behaviours displayed by the Black heiress.

Underneath that was a moving picture of Aurora and Remy sharing a clumsy and passionate kiss, and Aurora wanted to punch a wall. Thankfully, Remy was facing away from the camera, covered by Aurora's matted curls; Aurora could recognise her messily plaited hair from a mile away, but she had a feeling that that was only because she had spent so much time gazing creepily at the back of Remy's head. Nobody else would be able to tell, and that sheltered Remy from the patronizing glares and dirty looks that Aurora received.

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