Chapter 13

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"Ok everyone line up according to your form groups and your class presidents will shortly come to take your attendance". With that I see the tall figure, our PE teacher Mr. Seo walk away, a clipboard in his hand and his usual red whistle hanging around his neck.

"Aishh, just look at him! he must have bought that new PE suit for today's trip. I mean guess he was too excited for the school trip. I mean who wouldn't be, happens once a year anyways" I hear Somi scoff and then looks away.

Trip. A school trip. Yeah that's what it seems like I signed up for. It was all surprising to me until the beginning of this year made me realize how much I have actually changed in many ways, doing things which I thought was completely alien to me or that's what I was taught as I grew up. But to be honest I am used to it now. I have accepted this change in myself and although I knew the root source for this change, I decided to suppress it, keep it with myself. Again.

"I even heard he is a pervert. I mean although the girls in our class have no other better job than gossiping but sometimes their info's seem to be true, look at how Mr. Seo-" 

There was a short silence as I could no longer hear the high pitched voice running in the background near me as I was immersed in my thoughts.

Pang! and I felt something hard hit my head for like a second and then the pain disappearing.

"YAH! Somi-". I flared up, which was again kind of unnatural for me to do.

"What Somi huh? Do you even think I exist sometimes, actually not sometimes more like since recently? are you even in this world? I wasn't gonna say this anytime soon, hell I wasn't even gonna tell you actually but hear me out now huh, where in the world are you these days? Sometimes I feel like you should rather be bestfriends with your mind than me, what am I even here for?!"

What, did I disappoint her so much? I thought we were supposed to understand each other. I tried to be calm, I knew myself better. I wasn't the type to get mad easily but-

My eyes shot a glare at no control Tzuyu control. This isn't your nature

"well then you shouldn't have kept it from me, like what you just said right now"

"yah Tzuyu-ah I didn't-" I see her hands reach out to my shoulder probably to give me a pat or something but to my surprise I shove it away. It's as if my mind and my soul doesn't wanna cooperate.

"no, STOP! sometimes even I'd like to stay alone right and what? you think everytime you throw one of your tantrums, two or three words of yours against me because you hate it, I will take it? we have been friends since kids, we have fought a million times but seriously Somi, get a grip and mind your own business sometimes and learn to give someone some space"

Silence. Was I done? What have I done? Is this really me? How could I possibly do this-

"Ok". That's it. That's all I could hear her mumble before she walked away with heavy footsteps. It would be a lie if I hadn't noticed her almost teary eyes but she controlled it, I know Somi, she- she would have cried. Is she ok?

Its as if the sea was in my lungs and I had come back to my senses, I tried to follow her, run towards her and give her a hug.

"Everyone on the buses right now! Remember the rules for this trip, don't just roam around anywhere without the teacher's knowledge once we reach our destination. Boys you all will  be guided to your own dorms and the girls to your own separate ones."

I picked up my bag from the ground, we were all lined up in our school field.

"Oh and!" Aishh that loud voice startled me. "NO ALCOHOLS AND SMOKING PLEASE! and if you do abide by this rule, well we are gonna have some serious problems guys so mind it!" He said looking especially towards the boys as the boys somewhat looked disappointed at that news and looked at one another. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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