Chapter 10

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"The larger the distance I keep between us, the closer I walk towards you. I feel like telling it all, that I love you to the moon and back"

"You could have at least called me later Tzuyu!" mom kept saying since I had entered home.
I cant get today's scenarios out of my head, what was happening. Why all of a sudden was everything so hard. It wasn't like this before, I was so accustomed to everything then and now its just becoming harder and harder.
His hazel eyes, soft hair everything appeared in front of me once I closed my eyes. His sweet smile, caring nature....why do I feel like I want to hold on to him forever. Why suddenly.
"Are you even listen-"

"Mom I am cooking today!" I suddenly burst out saying.

"What?!" Mom dropped the tv remote she was holding on to the floor

"Are you sure cuz-"

"Yes I am now please leave me alone I will cook something today and its final!" I have to get things out of head and if anything helps, this is it then I guess.

"Whats the matter Tzuyu-ah?" I heard my Dad coming towards me and my mom

"Honey look..she says she wants to cook" Mom looked towards my dad all concerned

"What no way!" My dad laughed a bit before looking at me with shock written all over his face.

"She never cooks though" mom whispered to my day

"Guys!! I can hear" I gave them a serious look and made my way to the kitchen. I was going to make something delicious. Uhhh ahh hopefully.

But why is he acting so close towards me now... Wait does he know about my feelings??! No no no way...not now.
Wait ahhh...I want this to be a bit spicy. Mom...uhh where does she keep her stuff around in the kitchen. Ohh found it this might be it!

About after half an hour I started to retreat towards my room.

"Mom I am going to go get changed ok!" I said as I was about to climb the stairs to my room.

"Ok dear!" Mom raised her hands, facing backwards as she sat and was currently watching a drama and dad worked on his computer.

"And guys...." I said loudly and they both looked towards me.

"No one touches the food I am coming back ok" saying that I ran upstairs.

"Of course not...haha" Tzuyu's dad laughed nervously and looked towards his wife.

Tzuyu quickly changed in to her comfortable pajamas and laid down on the bed. She felt exhausted. Walking from the bus station to home really didn't help her today. Especially when the roads where all wet with the rain....and her shoes getting wet as she walked over each big puddle on her way home.
She tossed and turned on her bed, there remained an unanswerable feeling in her mind, but she decided not to think of it for a while. Maybe everyone experiences this, she was like this since its her first time. Right?

"Ahhh it's nothing...its ok Tzuyu get yourself together!" She said to herself and she decided to go back to the kitchen and finish her dish.

Everyone sat together for dinner and Tzuyu quickly served her thing. She felt proud at some point that she had cooked herself, for the first time. Maybe she should do it more often.

"Mom, dad tell me how it is ok" she said cheerfully

Her parents looked at one another before Tzuyu's dad finally took the first step and tasted it. Tzuyu's mom nervously looked at her husband trying to figure out how he felt about it but there was no reaction from Mr. chou. He looked pale,eyes wide but still forced a smile on his face for his daughter.

" Its absolutely perfect Tzuyu-ah...I love it!" He forced another spoon into his mouth and kept the same smile all along, though the food tasted nothing like edible.
Tzuyu's mom did the same. They didn't want their daughter to be upset over her first try.

"Thank you so much" Tzuyu felt satisfied and continued eating, with a bright smile.


As Tzuyu's mom took all the plates and was about to wash them.

"Mom....let me help" Tzuyu approached her and told her she wanted to lend her a hand.

It was indeed very surprising for her mom because usually Tzuyu would just like to stay in her room and study, or read books when she doesn't have the best mood or her best friend comes over. Tzuyu was a closed up book, but somehow something seems to be changing and she had to talk it out with her daughter.

"Tzuyu ah can-"

"Mom can we talk?" Tzuyu looked down at the floor, feeling quite unsure about how to phrase all her feelings out to her mother. But she needed someone, she wanted someone to understand her and it couldn't be anyone else as closer to her than her mom.

"Sure...go sit on the couch I will be right there" she smiled to herself as Tzuyu left to the living room.

It wasn't long that they soon started chatting. At first, Tzuyu did hesitate but as if suddenly it felt like it all came out of her automatically, her emotions. She poured out all of her feelings that came into her mind to her mother.

"Mom I don't know what to do.....I have never felt this way" Tzuyu hugged her knees and felt so relieved that she could say all this out to someone.

Tzuyu's mom just smiled. She went closer and hugged her daughter. She knew the best of course and no one can understand a daughter better then her own mother.

"Listen to me....." She lifted Tzuyu's face as she held her chin and smiled looking at her.

"First of all I am so glad you came to me, talked it all out. This is my daughter" she smiled warmly.

"But mom-"

"I don't know who this boy is...I don't know how he looks, how his personality is but if it's someone who is making you happy, someone who if you close your eyes and see yourself spending the most precious moments of your life with then I'd say don't miss the chance Tzuyu ah" She moved her hands through her hair.

"Its a part of're still growing up I know and you still have so much more to look forward to but some happy moments would pass if you don't open up. Its kind of like missing the the last bus back home."

"Aha...I am sorry I got too serious right? Its just experience you see" She winked and Tzuyu burst out laughing at her silly mom.

"Mom...thank you so much" Tzuyu went closer to envelope her mom into a tight hug but her mom pushed her away..

"Yah yah...I am not done yet!" Her mom said sternly to which Tzuyu went back to her position "yes ma'am" she laughed.

"By the way the food you made was not that-"

"Not that good I tasted horrible what are you even talking about. Sorry you guys had to taste that haha" Tzuyu apologized.

"Nahhh your every first time attempts on something new make us proud since you were a kid" her mom laughed it out.

"But Tzuyu ah...." Her mom continued with a slow tone

"All I am saying is....tell him. Tell him everything"

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