Chapter 11

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"It took me 3 seconds to love someone for the first time, but to stop loving someone, it was impossible in just 3 seconds"

-Love Rain

The sea was in my lungs, one more breath and I would suffocate into it. Should I or should I not? Will this stand as a wrong move in my life or it won't? What happens next..These questions stole away her sleep last night. She contemplated whether it was the right choice? Would it make it easier to talk it out and once and for all confess all these heart thumping, heart fluttering emotions in herself? She didn't know. It was as if she was making the life's most challenging decision. What she was most afraid of was getting hurt, after all burying all these feelings for Taehyung till now does make sense right? She walked through the hallways, squeezing the orange juice container with every question that clouded her mind. Heading towards the place, their hangout area, shared and only for Tzuyu and her friend Sora. The place held many memories for both but that's another story.

Tzuyu wanted life to be easy just like Sora. She was happy, she was in love and she was loved dearly by her boyfriend. This never created a gap between their friendship though, it was and will be strong as always. She thought about everything at the moment, her situation. It wasn't new but it was not very common either. It budged her all the time. Is her mother right then? Should she really-

"Aah!" And in a split of second it was as if she was just recollecting her thoughts but now she landed on the floor with a thud. It happened all so quickly. Papers flew around her...many papers, blocking her view as well towards the person behind this misery. As cliche as it may sound, this had just happened within seconds.

"I am sorry..I am so so sorry" the voice,making her heart skip a beat. This couldn't be anyone else, none similar other than Kim Taehyung.
And as if in the right moment, their eyes met. Everything seemed to slow down, students walking in the corridor seem to no longer rush to the field, the noise and all the bustle seems to have stopped and it was only them, their heart beats aline.

"Oh wait-Tzuyu?" The boy's eyes widen as he realizes the situation he has just caused. Out of hesitation he extended her hand towards her, gesturing her to stand up. He was in shock however the girl in front of him was in her own phase, in her own world.

"ahh oh no its alright..let me help you" As if immediately realizing her actions she rapidly got up and started collecting the papers that had fallen. He was still as he watched her quick actions and stepped in to collect the mess he had made as well. The corridors were filled with loud chats and laughter again. With girls gossiping and boys talking about the football match last night they had gathered to watch.

"You're not hurt right. Looked like you fell down pretty hard. Gosh I'm so sorry. I had to just take them to the staff room and I had to make a mess"

"It's alright Tae" her eyes widened as she looked up at him suddenly and so did he but with a warm smile with came along with some chuckles. How could she just call him Tae?! You are stupid Chou Tzuyu..truly stupid

"Haha thats a first time now..I have only ever heard my friends call me that" he said while still bundling up the papers he collected

"Ah no its just that umm-" she was red, Bright red of embarrassment. She control herself even a slight bit. Seriously?

" really do get nervous out of small things. I have heard the truth then-" her hands were no longer in motion now as she again looked at him with eyes of curiosity but just then-

"Tzuyu...CHOU TZUYU" was a screaming high pitched voice from the end of the hallway. God damn life saver Tzuyu thought. Kim Sora had arrived.

"Oops Tae gonna steal my girl for a moment fact wait I am gonna steal her for a long time never mind bye!" Leaving no chance for the boy to even make a statement.

Definitely the second wrong choice in my life. Tzuyu glared at her as she was being pulled through the corridor, running along almost bumping into other students.

Taking long breathes, they both looked at each other with no emotions on their faces. But soon they laughed as if they had suddenly been possessed.

"Yahhh! Why weren't you coming?!I ditched Jimin for you." Sora sighed looking around with a angry pout on her face. She needed the attention of her friend.

"well you see the scene in corridor? I could have enjoyed longer moments with my crush until you came through" Tzuyu teased in return

"Woah you're seriously being bold now" Sora patted her best friend's back proud of her manner of talking. Although in reality she knew Tzuyu could never be this personality of herself in front of anyone else. They talked and laughed, enjoying themselves. And break had almost come to an end. Tzuyu came up to explain everything she had talked with her mother last nigh to Sora and also explaining her confused state.

" yahh!" Sora pulled back Tzuyu and looked into her eyes trying to bring about a conclusion to the situation and for Tzuyu herself as well.

"So I know its tough for you Tzuyu...But do you really want to tell him?" Their eyes leaving nowhere but each other. There was silence. Now the sound of bell had disrupted the train of thoughts in Tzuyu's mind.

"I don't-"

"Tell me what?"

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