Chapter 5: Battle of New York; Part 2

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Perseus had seen many terrifying things in his life. Witnessing his friends and family perish against monsters, fighting a cannibalistic grandfather, and facing down the embodiment of Earth were relatively high on that list.

He had also experienced terrible, horrific pain. Number one on that list being when he bathed in the River Styx. Now that was a double edged sword if he had ever seen one.

Nigh-invincibility, but you basically had to experience the combined pains of a scooter hitting your ankle, placing your hand on a burning hot stove top, stubbing your toe on a corner cabinet, running straight into a glass pane, and every other painful childhood experience times a thousand.

If that wasn't terrifying enough, there was the risk of non-existence (and having your soul be kept as a personal plaything by the Lady Styx if she wanted to) to seal that deal.

None of them gave the god the same feeling that seeing Tony Stark carry a nuke into a wormhole did. Despite knowing the man would survive, he couldn't stop his heart from freezing over as he saw the red and gold suit disappear through the portal. 

"Come on, Tony." He muttered, staring intently at the wormhole.

"Close it." Steve said morosely. Natasha began to level the stick at the Cube, but a hand stopped her. She glanced at the god that was staring intently into the sky as he held up a finger.

"Wait. He is coming back." He stated with such certainty that she relented. Despite disliking Tony Stark, she had to give credit where it was due. He was a genius, through and through, though he was also prone to childish antics. He was a good hero as well, fighting anything from terrorists to the random criminals on the street.

So she couldn't help but exhale in relief as she saw the red and gold suit leave the portal. She quickly stabbed the scepter into the Cube, watching in awe as the portal closed and the remaining aliens around them died.

Before she could turn around to talk to the god behind her, a hand held her in place for a few seconds, and an extreme sense of vertigo hit her. When she finally gained control of her senses, she immediately vomited all over the cement before her. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Natasha glared at the person behind her, ignoring the fact that it was a god who had done this. Steve helped her to her feet, having just arrived with the Hulk and Thor, the former carrying Tony Stark in his arms.

"Sorry. You get used to it." He said calmly, ignoring the glare as his gaze rested on the broken form of the Stark's Tower. Natasha stood up once her systems finally calmed down and gazed at the rubble and debris around them.

"You think he's going to charge us for damage repairs?" Percy asked dryly, drawing a few exhausted chuckles from the group.

"I think the bigger worry is the people of New York," Steve said quietly as he also began to stare at the ruined city around him.

"Jarvis, casualty report?" Clint asked the AI, uncertain whether or not the machine was even online.

"Eighty-seven dead." Perseus answered in the AI's stead, drawing on his powers to assess the aftermath of Loki's attack. "Three thousand injured, four hundred and six of which are critically injured. Estimated property damage is five hundred million, give or take a few hundred thousand." The Avengers were silent as the numbers sunk in, searing themselves into their memories.

The silence of the city was unnerving to some of the heroes. Mere minutes ago, there were hundreds of alien battlecries, the sounds of dozens of charge rifles going off, and the distinct sounds of the Avengers fighting back.

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