Chapter 10: More Problems

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3rd Person P.O.V

Reyna had thought things would have cooled down after the Giant War. She thought that the camps would be safe, that things could go back to how they used to be and she could be a good praetor for her people, immortal as she was.

Frank Zhang was not the praetor she had not wanted, but he understood the role of leadership and stepped up in a way that Reyna had never imagined that the shy, klutzy boy that had first shown up here could ever. She made do with what she had and for her, anyone was a better praetor than Octavian. She had that much to be thankful for.

Now, seated beside Frank and watching Nico pull four adults from the folds of the shadows of the principia, she felt her anger boil and a tendril of fear coil around her heart.

Were the gods truly testing her a third time. First the Titan War, then the Giant War, now this? Would she never get the peace she always fought for? Then she remembered how Perseus would feel when he found out mortals were in camp, and without his permission. 

She stood from her throne, masking her face into the stern expression she always adopted when faced with anyone or anything. She was a leader, she had to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't risk chaos. 

"Who are they?" she demanded, turning to Hazel. Hazel turned from facing her to the three men and the one woman. He glowered at them and said in a low voice that rumbled with anger "What the Pluto are you doing here?"

The man with the red and gold armor brushed off his arms and said "You can't expect to have a magical camp and not have someone come looking."
The daughter of Pluto's face was tight with barely suppressed rage, and she fleetingly realized how much he resembled her father in that instant.

The man with the blue, red and white costume stood and helped the other two people, a red headed woman and a blonde haired man stand and glanced at Jason and said "I'm sorry. Your friend kept secrets from the team, it's never good for anyone. We almost ended New York because we couldn't get along."

Reyna was not a person to be ignored. This was Perseus's camp, hers when he was attending to his duties and these strangers had walked in unannounced and uninvited.

"Hazel, who are these people?" she asked, gesturing to the adults.

Nico glanced at her and said "This is Steve, Tony, Clint and Natasha. They are the Avengers that Lord Perseus, Lord Ares, and Lady Athena had the unfortunate pleasure of working with." Apparently Loki had escaped and Jason's unfortunate capture put a dampener on the plans to place him on trial. 

Tony held up a hand and said "Now hold on a minute. You HAVE to work with us? You know how many kids would kill for a chance to even meet the Avengers? Millions, billions even. And you have to work with us?"
Nico rolled his eyes and Reyna understood immediately that this man would be one to ignore, on all occasions.

"Remain silent." She commanded, trying to regain control of the conversation.

Everyone fell silent and turned to look at her, and she glowered at the four people who dared to step inside.

"I am Praetor Reyna of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. You have no rights to be within the borders of this camp." She glowered at the people again and said "Explain yourselves."

The red headed woman, Natasha, glared at the man she believed to be Tony and said "Now that you are working with SHIELD, we have rights to examine your base of operations. We need to make sure that your intentions toward the world and to SHIELD are nothing world ending. You signed up for this, you should know this."

Reyna felt her anger boil in her blood, and once again felt like cursing the gods for putting them in this situation. Even worse is that if they didn't get this situation fixed, Perseus would snap. Even she was aware how much he regretted forming the Avengers.

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