Chapter Four

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I just thought picking out clothes for the interview was tough. What am I supposed to wear to meet a celebrity?

I eye myself in the mirror. I let my wavy hair down and settled on black flare jeans. Tucked into the jeans is a red, silky tank top. I paired it with my red heels, because as Livi taught me, you can't ever be unconfident while wearing heels.

After ordering my Uber, I drink a glass of wine to loosen myself up a bit.

I can't believe I got the job. I'm excited.

And I can't stop wondering which celebrity it'll be?

With my luck, it'll probably be someone I'm not even familiar with.

I won't be a snob, though. A celebrity is a celebrity. I'm just excited to travel.

The concert is in a nice club across town. I've been before, but you can only get in by invite.

It's very lowkey. The people who hang out here don't want to be seen. It's the perfect place to hold a small concert for only a select few.

I text Amelia, letting her know that I've arrived. She texts back for me to wait downstairs and she'll be right there.

I'm jittery. I hope I make a good first impression on everyone. I want them all to like me.

"You look stunning!" Amelia says as she walks towards me. "Are you ready?"

"I'm nervous." I laugh, "I don't want to get star struck, but I am already."

"I was, too, at first. You get used to it. He's really cool."

Butterflies swarm in my stomach as she leads me up a spiral stair case. The place is dimly lit, and everyone is dressed nice. I feel fancy just being here.

At the top of the stairs, the black carpet and walls makes everything look polished and classy. I follow Amelia across the room, to a roped-off section right at the balcony, overlooking the stage below.


I nod rapidly, feeling my heartrate increase. A cool sweat coats my forehead as she leads us through the rope.

Several people occupy the space, none of which I recognize. We weave our way through, coming to the back of the room.

"He's on the couch." Amelia says into my ear, and I train my eyes that way.

It's a black leather couch with a three people on it. The first guy I don't recognize. The second looks familiar, but I can't put a name with his face. The third...

I suck in a breath, taking a small step back.

He's sitting with his ankle on top of his other knee. He's in an all-gray suit, with the first few buttons of his undershirt undone. His arm is outstretched on the arm rest, and with the other he's holding a drink. His eyes are locked on mine, and my stomach drops.


"Surprised?" Amelia claps, mistaking my horror for shock. "Do you like his music?"

All I manage is a nod, because it feels like the contents of my dinner might spill over any second. The room tilts on it's axis when she urges me forward, closer to him.

I'm not supposed to be near him. My pulse thunders in my ears with every step we take. This place has high security. I doubt anyone working for Trey can get in.

He won't know. He won't know.

What am I supposed to say to Hudson? As far as he knows, I just didn't want to be with him. It isn't like I could give an explanation. Trey was right above me when I made the call.

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