Chapter Eleven

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Hudson's got a grip on my hand as we twist around people at the party.

I don't know where he's taking me. I don't really care as long as it's somewhere with him.

He takes us through the parking lot, filled with expensive and unmarked cars. My stomach flips as he opens the door of the limo for me.

"Where are we going?"

But he doesn't answer. He just closes the door without getting in.

I sit on the black leather seat, running my palms over the silky material of my dress.

I can't see through the privacy glass separating us from the driver, but I hear murmuring at the front. Then, the front door slam.

Hudson returns and slides onto the long seat with me.

"What happened?"

"I paid him a hundred bucks to get out of the limo for an hour."

I can't hide the shudder that wracks my body. An hour alone with Hudson and he's looking at me like I'm his next meal.

"Hudson, I—" Should I explain? Do I do this without giving him all the answers he wants?

"I didn't bring you out here to talk, princess."

The old nickname combined with the rising heat in the limo makes me forget any other thought. Hudson leans in and kisses me, pulling at my legs so they're in his lap.

His kiss isn't gentle or sweet, it's harsh, but it's exactly what I need.

"If you don't want this, you need to tell me right now. Because if we keep going, you're at my mercy. I'm not stopping until I'm done with you."

Oh shit.

"I want this."

"Tell me what you want." His hand wraps around my throat. "Tell me that you want me to fuck you."

"I want you to fuck me."

"Tell me that you want me to fuck you even though I hate you."

I whimper as his other hand slides up my thigh.

"I want you to fuck me—" I gasp when he slides my panties to the side.

"Even though..."

"Even though you hate me."

"Good girl."

He kisses me while sliding two fingers in. I arch my back, craving them to go deeper.

My body is tingling and my nerves feel on fire.

Forget that we're in a limo, in the middle of a parking lot. The windows are tinted and the rest of the world is dead to us right now.

It's him and I.

Our own little world.

He takes his fingers out, dragging them down my inner thigh.

"Feel that? How wet you are for me? Anyone else able to do that to you?"

I shake my head, staring into his eyes as he leans up to pull the straps of my dress down over my shoulders. He jerks the dress down, and I hear a small tear but ignore it. Air hits my breasts, and Hudson leans down to take my puckered flesh into his mouth.

After a moment, he leans back.

I watch in awe as he takes off his jacket and shirt. His smoldering gaze pins me to the seat the entire time, but I yearn to reach out and touch him.

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