Chapter Twenty

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I take a sip of my coffee, watching her like a creep as she sleeps. I just can't believe she's real.

She looks like an angel right now. Blonde hair spilling over her delicate features, a slight grin on her lips as deep breaths show she's still oblivious to the world.

Josie is naked, only covered by the thin gray sheet that still exposes her back to me, the outline of her spine pressing against her flesh.

The ring—my ring—flashes on her finger and pride swells in my chest.

I know the people in my life are going to think it's a rash decision. We've been apart for two years and only a few weeks back into each other's lives were engaged? But I don't care.

No other woman has ever, or will ever, interest me like Josie does.

I want her to be safe from Trey, yes. I want her to have a solid ground to stand on when she finally breaks her ties from them.

But the sickest, most twisted part of me is nothing more than possessive. If Josie marries me, she can't run again.

She'll be tied to me forever. Seared onto my soul more than she already is.

And it sounds fucking perfect to me.

My gaze finds tattoo on her arm, that I've now had a real chance to study, and I know it's an ode to words I spoke to her years ago. It further proves to me that she never wanted to be apart from me.

In fact, the tat on her arm and the one on her ass both seem to be nods to me. I wonder if the sound wave holds significance?

I'm living proof that tattoos don't have to have a meaning. I've got all kinds of random shit inked on me.

A few have meaning, but they're hidden amongst others.

But I get the feeling everything Josie puts on her body has meaning.

Even the peach on her sweet ass.

She was joking the day she told me she'd get it, trying to come up with something ridiculous to shock me.

I can almost guarantee that if she'd have never made that stupid promise to me, she wouldn't have gotten the tattoo.

I love that even though Trey kept her away from me physically, he couldn't get her mind away from me.

She decorated herself with reminders of me and what we had. I've been with her this entire time.

"Good morning." She inhales deeply, stretching her limbs and giving me a smile that melts me. "Were you watching me sleep?"


I place my coffee on the nightstand, leaning down to kiss her. She sighs into my mouth, opening up to allow my tongue to massage hers.

The way Josie's body molds into mine, her fingers coming up to grip my hair, her legs wrapping around my waist. I know without a doubt this girl is meant to be mine.

And I, hers.

"Hudson." Josie starts to talk as I place kisses along her neck. "Are we really engaged?"

"Hell yes we are." When she doesn't reply, I lean back to look her. A moment of worry constricts me when I see tears. "What, baby?"

"Roll over."

I do as she requests, still concerned. I lie flat on my back and she comes to straddle me, letting her salty emotion glide over her rosy cheeks.

"Josie, are you okay?"

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