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Warning: If you haven't read At the Right Time, this epilogue will contain spoilers for it. This chapter is just for fun and to tie ATRT, TOIFY and TOIT together. Also, because I'm not ready to let these characters go. If you don't want the spoilers, then the previous chapter can serve as the end of this story. Thanks for reading :)


                                                  Eight years later

"Josie!" Rylie beams when Hudson and I walk inside her home.

"Josie!" Hudson mocks his little sister. "What am I?"

"You're not the one carrying my niece." Rylie scolds Hudson, rubbing my six months pregnant belly. "But its good to see you, too."

"Hey, you two. Have a good trip?"

Rylie's husband, Maxwell, walks around the corner. I embrace him, and then he shakes Hudson's hand.

"We did. Ready to enjoy our time off."

Hudson is taking a year off touring to help with the baby. He is going to be traveling as minimally as possible so we can adjust to life with our little girl.

I do my own work, but mostly help out with Hudson's tours and schedules when I can. I still take time for myself and to do my own things, but honestly, I enjoy being apart of Hudson's career.

We've even made a few more duets together. One made it to the top of the Billboard one-hundred.

Hudson has won several Grammys and even won artist of the year two years ago.

I'm just along for the ride, but I wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm glad you two made it safely. And Josie, you look great."

"Thanks, Max."

Maxwell and Hudson had a rocky relationship at first. He wasn't happy with how he'd treated Rylie early on in their relationship.

I reminded Hudson that we don't know the whole story, and that I, too, broke up with him at one point.

Rylie and Max have been married a couple years now. Maxwell plays for the Charlotte Hornets and Rylie is a killer interior designer. She's been in pretty much any celebrity's home I can name.

Hudson was skeptical of Maxwell, but I never was. When I saw the way Rylie lit up around him, I knew they were meant to be. She looks at Maxwell how I look at Hudson. It's true love.

Hudson and Maxwell get along great now, though. They even go out for drinks together from time to time when our schedules coincide.

"Let's eat. Dinner is ready."

"This looks amazing, Rylie." My mouth waters at all the food laid out on the table.

"Don't let her fool you." Max raises an eyebrow, smirking at his wife. "I did most of it."

"Screw you!" Rylie swats at him. "He only did what I allowed."

We sit down to eat and Maxwell pours himself and Hudson a glass of wine.


"And water for the two pregnant women." He says it so casually, I would've missed it if I weren't looking for it.

I gasp and Rylie gives me the biggest grin, nodding rapidly.

"What!" I slap my hands on the table, feeling overjoyed.

"No way." Hudson looks at his baby sister like he might cry. Bless him. Being a dad is already making him emotional and our baby isn't even here yet. I swear he got some of my extra hormones. "Rylie, seriously?"

"I'm twelve weeks today. We've been waiting until I was out of the first trimester to tell anyone. I'm a bit superstitious like that."

I nod, understanding. I was superstitious about it, too. They say its bad luck to tell people before twelve weeks and I couldn't get it out of my head.

I didn't make it, though. I caved at ten weeks.

Thankfully, baby girl is still looking healthy and strong. I guess the old myth was just that—a myth.

"Congratulations!" I push my chair back, walking around the table to hug her. "Our kids are going to be best friends."

"I know. I can't wait."

"That's amazing, you two. Congrats." Hudson squeezes his sister's hand.

The entire dinner we talk about the babies and all the crazy symptoms being pregnant can give you.

Maxwell seems to be very similar to Hudson in that he just wants Rylie to be happy and comfortable.

I guess she and I got lucky with our men.

We got lucky with our lives.

Every day with Hudson is one where I feel happy and loved. Even when life gets tough, he makes the hard things easier.

"Can you believe Rylie is pregnant?" I ask as he and I get ready for bed in their guest bedroom.

"I feel old." He chuckles. "I raised her, now she's going to raise one of her own."

"So are you." I smile, rubbing the spot where baby girl has been kicking all night. "It's going to be great that she'll have a cousin to grow up with."

"Yeah." Hudson pulls me in, kissing the top of my forehead. "I can't wait." He leans down, kissing the top of my belly, too.

I can't wait to have a little version of the two of us running around. I know it's going to be hard work, but it's going to be so worth it.

There isn't another feeling like having something that's half myself and half the person I love.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you." I answer him, sighing.

"I was talking to our daughter." He steps us back, placing me on the bed as I giggle. "Your mother thinks the world revolves around her." He teases, murmuring against my belly. "But I love her, too. Very much. How do you think you were made?"

"Hudson!" I gasp, pushing him off of me. "Don't tell her that."

"Come on." He wraps an arm around me, "She's going to be grossed out by us forever, might as well start now."

"You're insane."

"Goodnight, little baby." He rubs my belly once more. "Can't wait to meet you."

He's talked to our baby every night since he found out I was pregnant. It melts me every time. I can't wait for him to meet her and for us to be great parents.

We have it made.

I can't imagine having led a life where I didn't have him to love me the way he does. He's the love of my life, I'm sure of it.

I cuddle up to him and close my eyes.

It's rare to get a happy ending, and I was so close to not having mine.

But I got it. I have everything I could've ever wanted. How do all those fairytales end again?

"And they all lived happily ever after..."

Yeah, we did.

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