A Farewell, unexpected hello

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It's been 4 months since I came to Dawn island. I am packing for my trip. I'm leaving tomorrow.

" Precious! Don't go!"
" Ace we already talked about this."
" I know." He looks downwards and pouts. I grab one of his arms and picked him up.

" I won't be long."
" You said that last time!"
" I know but I mean it this time!"

" Ok. Whatever let's go play!" He jumps out of my grasp and pulls me towards him as he runs.
We played all day until we had to go back to Dadan.

We walk in to be greeted by Garp. I walk past him ignoring his existence as the bandits jaw hits the floor.

" YOU DAMN BRAT!" He came to hit me but I turn around and gave him a look. This look could make anyone shit their pants. His eyes widened at my words.

" I'm not in the damn mood. As you can see Ace is sleeping. So shut the hell up." He immediately looks down and sulks.

" What the hell just happened." The bandits say staring wide eye at us. I put Ace down on the floor and tucked him in singing the song his mother sang for him.

I then sat across from Garp.
" I'm leaving tomorrow on another mission. This one is dangerous, so I might not make it back alive. I have a letter for Ace and it contains my regards if I don't make it back in 5 months time."

" What the hell kid! You can't just come and go as you please!"

" Who said I couldn't? Last time I check your not my mom or my dad, and you are definitely not my biological gramps."

I watch his face twist and turn. I knew what I said would affect him but what's done is done. I have to prepare them for my death.

" Wait a minute! If you suddenly die do you know what I have to deal with!" Dadan yelled at me with a look of desperation.

" Yeah. You'll have to deal with a moody Ace."
She then sulks in the corner. I go up and handed her a letters. She looked surprise.

" Don't open any of them until 5 months. That means I'm already dead. This mission should take me 3-4 months. So if I don't come back, open them." She nods, telling me she understood.

I then walk towards gramps and hands him a letter.
" Same goes for you." He nods quietly. He knew even if he tried to stop me. I would figure a way to leave.

I then head to the door.
" I guess this is farewell." I wave and closed the door.

- 5 days later

It's been a couple of days and I changed my hair color since I'm going to be "dead".
Ugghhh so bored. I look to the sea and in the distance I see a bird. It gave me a newspaper.

Shanks causing trouble

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Shanks causing trouble. Blablabla the whitebeard crew reeking havoc. Blablablabla nothing here is interesting.

I threw the newspaper. I hang my head upside down looking into the endless sea.

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