Chapter 3: Honestly

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The interviewers took their sweet time by asking questions about the team's condition and if they were ready to enter the fall tournament and some personal questions about the team members as well which the coach mainly wavered off but one question stood out as they were exiting the room.

"We saw a video of you and another man-" the interviewer said causing Oikawa to freeze but Coach Santos rose a hand in the sense the interviewer should stop.

"But sir-" the interviewer started but was cut off by Oikawa.

"And?" Oikawa asked in a monotone.

"It was a pretty intimate one." The interviewer said as he raised the mic towards Oikawa more so they could get a recording of Oikawa's response.

"I'd had a bit too much to drink and things happened-"

"What kind of things?" The interviewer pushed Oikawa for more information on what he'd meant by 'things happened'.

"I'd there something wrong with something intimate happening between the same sex?" Jake asked before Oikawa to come up with a reply.

"No, sir but-" the interviewer started but Jake continued.

"We live in the twenty-first century and I'm pretty sure it's alright to be with whomever a person wants to be," Jake said as he took the mic from the interviewer's hand.

"Do you disagree?" Jake asked putting the mic at interviewer's face waiting for a reply.

"No, no I didn't mean in that sense-" the interviewer stuttered to answer.

"Then what did you mean?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow. "It's just wasn't Oikawa with miss Ivy at the time? And wouldn't that be considered as 'cheating' ?" The interviewer asked feeling very proud of what he'd said.

"Well, I think that's something private for a couple discusses among themselves."

"Yes, but the wa-way we got to know miss Ivy was having Oikawa's child was a bit-"

"This is turning into more of a tv drama questions compared to a 'professional' sports interview," Jake said chuckling.

"I suggest you check with your employer about the questions that you've just asked will affect your career," Jake said in a playful yet very serious tone.

"We've got to get back to practice now." Coach Santos said as he took the mic from Jake's hand and handed it back to the interviewer.

After they exited the room Oikawa walked up to Jake and thanked him. Jake smacked Oikawa's back and said.

"What're friends for?"

Both of them chuckled but Oikawa noticed how Antonio glanced as them before walking up ahead.

"Do you think Antonio's pissed at me or something?" Oikawa asked Jake.

"He's been acting very suss...I know probably got his undies in a twist." Jake said as he draped his arm over Oikawa's shoulders.

"Seriously," Oikawa said laughing as he shook his head. "'Suss'?"

"Well that's what everyone is using these days, wait how do you know the meaning of 'Suss' I thought you're an old man?" Jake said laughing.

"I was with a 9-year-old who taught me the latest slang..." Oikawa said thinking back to Isuzu.

That reminded him he'd promised to call her.

"9 year old?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow. "I hope you're not-"

"Shut up you idiot," Oikawa said as he shook his head. "I had to go back because she was seriously sick and rushed to the hospital," Oikawa explained.

"Oh, I hope everything's alright, and she gets better soon," Jake said as he walked side by side with Oikawa.

"Thanks," Oikawa said. "She's a fighter."


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