Chapter 13: Test

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Sighing Oikawa took another sip of the bitter black liquid in the frost white styrofoam cup. He couldn't believe that the baby was already here and now that there is also a possibility that it may not be his, to begin with.

Oikawa massaged his temples with his left hand as he held the cup of coffee in his right sitting at a table in the small cafe in the hospital building.

Just as Oikawa was about to get up his phone rang. It was Jake. Oikawa honestly was glad it was Jake and not the coach who he expected would be calling any time to ask why he's not at practice. It wasn't like missing one practice would kill him but still...

"Bro where are you at? Coach is losing his shit cause Antonio is ditching practice to-"

"Antonio's with me-"

"You both are ditching together?! Unfair bro!!" Jake whined.

"Ivy gave birth..." Oikawa said finally.

"OH MY GOD!!! CONGRATULATIONS BROOOO!" Jake congratulated Oikawa.


"But? What do you mean but?"

"It could be Antonio's too..."

"You're joking right?" Jake asked but when Oikawa didn't reply.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Jake cursed.

"How'd ya get to know it could be his?" Jake asked.

"Ivy and he had been a thing before shit went down."

"FUCKKK!" Jake cursed. "Did you get a paternity test? If not get one, okay??"

"What's that?" Oikawa asked Jake.

"It's a test to check who's or who's the real parents of the child," Jake explained.

"Wait, don't tell me you didn't get one done before?" Jake asked astonished.

"It never crossed my mind..."

"Well, bro it's time you get it done," Jake said. "This shit ain't funny, like seriously what if it's not yours?! And you went through all this shit- okay Imma shut up cause it could be yours too...just get it done and let me know which hospital you're at I'll come after practice."

"Yeah, I'll text you the address-wait Antonio is calling...Ivy's probably awake now." Oikawa said as he accepted Antonio's call and put Jake's call on hold.

"Ivy's awake and wants to see you," Antonio said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," Oikawa replied before cutting the call and telling Jake that he had to go.

Heading to the hospital room Ivy was in Oikawa took a deep breath before walking in the room and seeing Ivy on the bed breastfeeding the baby with Antonio sitting on the corner chairs.

Oikawa's eyes fell on the baby in Ivy's arms dressed in a pink onesie with her hair slick back. As she suckled on her mother for milk. The baby was small and weak looking but the doctors had confirmed she was comparatively very healthy to be a premature baby.

"Oikawa," Ivy smiled. "Look at our-"

"We're taking a paternity test," Oikawa said and before Ivy could protest Oikawa left the room.


Let's see who's the dad ;)

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