Chapter 22: Doctor Iwaizumi

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It's been almost three weeks since Iwaizumi last spoke to Oikawa. He'd cut all ties for Isuzu with Oikawa as well as he'd given the excuse that Oikawa's fall tournaments have started and that she should let Oikawa focus on that. That made Isuzu sad but she understood cause it was a believable excuse.

Whereas his ex wife he'd been seeing her more than he'd seen her in a while as she'd started staying in the house with Isuzu when Iwaizumi would be at work. It seemed as if she was trying to make up for the past two years she'd been missing out on Isuzu's life.

Suzuki would make breakfast every morning for all of them and even wait to eat until Iwaizumi would get home. Things were very awkward between them and they were trying their best to keep it together for Isuzu. But Isuzu on the other hand wasn't too grateful for all the hard work Suzuki was putting in to make up for lost time.

Isuzu wouldn't say much but the way she'd be emotionless and cold towards Suzuki was very obvious. She had an argument with Suzuki a week back and she told her that she hated her and that she wished she'd never even been born.

It broke Suzuki and Iwaizumi tends to not but in between their arguments as he believes it's something for those two need to resolve on their own but he had to come in and talk to Suzuki and calm her down.

Now on his way to his next patient Iwaizumi took a deep breath before entering the room. The patient for a elderly women who'd dislocated her hipbone a few months back and was back for a check up.

"Son, you've gotten pale." The elderly woman said as she stretched her hand to touch Iwaizumi face as he was checking her heartbeat. "Have you been getting enough sleep?" She asked.

"I try to get as much as my job requires." Said Iwaizumi and gave a weak smile.

"True, being a doctor is a tough profession but I feel like there's something more to it-"

"Honey, it's not right to pry into his life." The elderly man standing holding a walking stick next to Iwaizumi said.

"It's alright." Iwaizumi told him as he continued to check her reflexes.

"Problems at home?" The elderly lady asked.

"Huh?" Iwaizumi asked as he had totally zoned out doing the rest of the check up.

"Women." The elderly man said shaking his head.

"The opposite actually-" Iwaizumi said unconsciously before he caught himself.

"Oh..." the elderly lady let out.

'Shit' Iwaizumi cursed to himself.

"So is he giving you a hard time?" The woman asked.

Iwaizumi didn't reply and continued to go through with the check up.

Iwaizumi was shocked that she didn't make a face or start giving him a lecture about being attracted to the same sex yet.

"It's alright son, our daughter is lesbian." The lady smiled.

"And our other child is non binary." The elderly man added.

Iwaizumi froze slightly but kept his head down.

"I can see whatever he's doing or has done is hurting you." The lady said with a frown. "Do you love him?"

Iwaizumi didn't answer.

"You do don't you?" The lady said.

"And that's why you're dealing with the pain he's putting you through."

"Kind off..." Iwaizumi said awkwardly as he stood back up.

"I know it's not my place but if he loves you as much as you do he'll come along."

Iwaizumi just gave another weak smile.

"Your hip looks in good condition and I'll be seeing you in a months time now and do regularly do the exercises I showed you last time." Iwaizumi said as he checked a few stuff on the clipboard.

"Thank you, son." The elderly women said. "Now let's go have ice cream Han." The elderly women laughed as he husband took her hand and walked out the room.

Heading back to his office Iwaizumi sat on his rotating chair and sighed and kept his forearm on his eyes and smiled weakly before frowning. Iwaizumi mind tracker back to when he found Oikawa in the emergency room shouting at the top of his lungs he broke his ankle. To when he offered to baby sit Isuzu and the night Oikawa helped Iwaizumi clear up his room and things got carried away.

Iwaizumi's bottom lip quivered as he recalled telling Oikawa he loved him and the next thing he knew Oikawa was having sex with some woman or women behind Iwaizumi's back. And ended up impregnating one of them. And how Iwaizumi wished it wasn't true and if Oikawa had come clean earlier he would've been mad obviously but would've forgiven him...right? But the way Iwaizumi found out on live television.

The tests said the baby wasn't Oikawa and something in Iwaizumi was so happy that he didn't realize what he'd done until the morning after. But it didn't change the fact Oikawa cheated on him and it hurt, it sting like salt on a open wound.

'I wish hated you...'

Iwaizumi said to himself as tears threaten the corners of his eyes.

'Fuck you piece of shit.'

Just then a knock on the door brought Iwaizumi back to his present and he wiped the stray tear that'd escaped Iwaizumi's eye.

Clearing his throat he asked whoever the person was outside to come in.

"Doctor Iwaizumi," the repressionist said as she entered the room with a hand held phone. "There's a call for you-"

"You can just transfer it to me on-"

"It's from out of Japan."


The chapters are about to get interesting ;)

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