Chapter 40: Oh memories

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"What on earth do you have in this even??" Iwaizumi asked as he sets the dusty suitcase on corner of the bed opposite to Oikawa.

"I honestly don't even remember." Oikawa states truthfully. "It's been a hot minute....since I've even used this one."

Unzipping the suitcase Iwaizumi is faced with a pile of clothes, photographs and trophies. Most of them being of Iwaizumi in his teenage years, with Oikawa by his side.

"What is this?" Iwaizumi asked as his eyes roamed over the overflowing suitcase in front of him.

"A time capsule..." Oikawa said sheepishly.

"Of me?" Iwaizumi asked picking up a picture of himself sleeping with his head on Oikawa's shoulder.

"Of us...." Oikawa said as he took the picture from Iwaizumi's hand. "I thought we'd stay together forever and then shit happened so I saved all the things I could to remember it forever." Oikawa pulled out another picture of them holding a trophy as kids and wiped a stray tear.

"Make fun of me all you want but this was all I had back then...and then it all came to end one night." Oikawa said with a shaken voice.

"I know it seemed like I had a lot going for me but deep down all I really cared about was you and what you thought of me...and when that went to shit I had nothing left."

Iwaizumi stood speechless there silently as Oikawa searched through the suitcase looking for something he didn't know.

Finally pulling out a navy blue scarf. Oikawa holds it to his nose and takes a long sniff.

"It still smells like you." Oikawa said smiling at the navy blue scarf in his hands.

"Did I matter that much to you?" Iwaizumi finally spoke.

"More than winning against Karosuno..." Oikawa said dropping the scarf in his lap and locking his hazel brown eyes with Iwaizumi's emerald green ones.

"More than anything."

Iwaizumi walked around the suitcase to Oikawa and wrapped his strong arms around Oikawa's frail yet large frame.

Oikawa nuzzled his face between Iwaizumi's necks crook. And within a few minutes his eyes started watering and he was a sobbing mess in Iwaizumi's arms.

"There are more important things in life than me..." Iwaizumi spoke. "Like your mother, your career, your-"

"No!" Oikawa pulled out of Iwaizumi's hold. "You were my first everything and will stay my first, even mom knows it-"

"Wait! what? You're mom knows about us??" Iwaizumi asked his jaw dropping to the floor.

"Well," Oikawa scratcher the back of his ear nervously. "Remember when I said my parents were out...and we did it."

"Did what?" Iwaizumi asked confused.

"You know did it..." Oikawa trailed off.

"What? Do you mean?" Iwaizumi asked still confused.

"Did the deed!!"

"What deed? Oikawa-"

"Our first time having sex!" Oikawa shouted out throwing is hands in the air.


"They got home early...and well mom said they didn't see much."

"SEE MUCH?!???" Iwaizumi three his hands up in the air fuming with eyes popping.

"Mom said she wanted to stay longer but dad told her to respect our privacy....."

"Not helping here Oikawa." Iwaizumi said standing up from the bed and starting to pace around the room. "You're telling me she knew about us all this time?!?"

"Yeah..kinda..." Oikawa said sheepishly. "Don't worry she won't tell anyone-"

"Not the point..." Iwaizumi said turning to face Oikawa. "She knew about what happened between us and what I did to you and what you did to me and-and-"

"Relax Iwa-Chan." Oikawa said grabbing his walker from the side of the bed and making his way to Iwaizumi. "She loves you as much or maybe more than me actually."

"I can't face her went I go back..." Iwaizumi said covering his face with his hands. But Oikawa could tell Iwaizumi's face was heating up because his ears had turned red. In embarrassment.

"Come on think how I feel," Oikawa said. "Your mom walking in on your first time." Oikawa said pouting. "She even told me she thought we look beautiful if it helps-"

"Ughhhh!!! It does not!" Iwaizumi said through his hands covering his face.

Finally reaching in front of Iwaizumi Oikawa brought one hand to Iwaizumi face and touched his hands covering his face.

"Come on we gotta pack your flights in less than 48 hours."


It's been a while but idk if y'all remember when Oikawa's mom told him she walked in of their first time 😂🙈

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