Chapter 4: How?

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At practice, Oikawa was at his best even though he was exhausted from his long flight back to Argentina. It felt like he could do anything he wanted.

Oikawa's mind was clear and set on only one thing, and that was his sets and that's how it should be. He has to stay on top of his game nothing should come in his way, absolutely nothing.

After practice as Oikawa was heading out he saw Coach Santos having a heated argument with Antonio and Oikawa walked past as quickly as he could he didn't want to get in the middle of something he didn't need to be a part off.

On his way back to his apartment Oikawa turned up the music and sing along as he drove back. He was happy he felt he could do anything he put his mind to and right now it was singing.

Reaching his apartment Oikawa found out Ivy wasn't home so he decided to do something special to make up for her for leaving her all alone at the ultrasound.

"I should cook us dinner!" Oikawa exclaimed to himself as he clapped his hands together.

Checking his fridge he saw Ivy had gone grocery shopping. Oikawa saw he'd had enough ingredients to make an amazing meal for both of them.

Oikawa washed the vegetables and then cut up the chicken into small cubicle shapes. After doing that he marinated them in a sauce then left them in a steel bowl as they soaked up the sauce. Then Oikawa started chopping up the vegetables he'd washed, some minced and some sliced.

After cutting up the vegetables Oikawa took thin wooden skewers and started putting the chopped-up chicken pieces and vegetables on them. He designed them that there was one piece of chicken then a few vegetables and then a piece of chicken again.

After doing so Oikawa turned on the stove and started to grill them. About ten minutes later he'd finished grilling them on one side then turned them over. Around 7:30 pm Oikawa set the table and went to shower.

Coming out of the shower Oikawa dried his hair with a towel. As he walked out of the bedroom he saw Ivy walk into the apartment.

"Woah," Ivy exclaimed as she entered the apartment. "What smells so good?" Ivy asked as her eyes roamed around the kitchen area.

"I made dinner for us," Oikawa said he walked up to her, taking her shoulder bag and keeping it in of the sofa.

"Now, come let's eat."

After dinner, Ivy went to change and Oikawa started to clean the dishes. As he did so he dropped a glass and cut his fingers.

"Fuck!" Oikawa cursed.

"What happened?" Ivy asked as she entered the kitchen in her pajamas.

"Shit!" She cursed as she saw Oikawa's fingers bleeding.

Ivy quickly went and got a small towel from the bathroom and went it with some aftershave and damped Oikawa's left-hand index finger and middle fingers that were bleeding.

"Shit," Ivy cursed again. "I think you've got some glass shards in your hand," Ivy said as she headed back the bathroom.

"Lemme get my tweezers." She called out to Oikawa. "Don't move your hand." She instructed Oikawa as she re-entered the kitchen area.

Carefully Ivy began to take out small shards of glass from Oikawa's left-hand fingers. After finishing doing so she put the aftershave damped towel on Oikawa's hand making Oikawa curse out loud.

"Mother trucker!"

" 'Mother trucker?' " Ivy said laughing.

"I don't curse," Oikawa said as he remembered he'd just cursed moments ago. "Well, at least try to..."

"Well, that's something I didn't know about you," Ivy said smiling. "But we need to get rid of these bangs of yours," Ivy said as she moved the hair from Oikawa's eyes. "No wonder you dropped that glass, you can't even see properly with these."

Oikawa just chuckled nervously.

"Come," Ivy said as she directed Oikawa to follow her. "I'll give you a haircut."


"Someone's gotta cut those girly bangs off ya forehead."

As Ivy made Oikawa sit on the toilet seat as she took out a pair of scissors and began to cut Oikawa's hair.

"When was the last time you cut your hair?" Ivy asked as she maneuvered Oikawa's head to the side.

"Iwa-Chan cut my hair...last.." Oikawa's sentence slowed down as he spoke realized last time he'd gotten a hair cut it was by Iwaizumi back in January.

"Your partner I remember you say-"

"Was," Oikawa said. "Was my partner," Oikawa asked as his face hardened as he remembered what happened just a few hours ago.

"Oh...I'm so sorry, Oikawa. I really didn't mean to"

"It's in the past now." Oikawa cut Ivy off.

"Let's look towards the future now," Oikawa said as he put his right hand on Ivy's gown stomach.


Y'all still think the baby ain't his?

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