
504 7 0

Requested by: no one 

Image credit: Uncommonv1 on Pinterest 

Word Count: 1,633

Aged up?: Nope 

Song: Jealous - Eyedress

"You could have anyone you want. Why would you want to be with me? I'm nothing special." 

      Pikeman sits silently on his cot, his shitty day finally coming to an end. It was very hot out today, so hot that a couple Woodscouts had a heatstroke and had to be sent to their tents for the day. On top of that, he keeps thinking about you. Usually that would be a good thing, but Pikeman is very insecure. He acts like hot shit to hide that. He doesn't know how he landed someone like you. You're stunning, kind, funny, everything he feels that he doesn't deserve. 

       He sighs, running his hand through his auburn red hair, he really doesn't deserve you. He's a stupid, ugly, pizza - faced freak. You deserve to be with someone like David, one of the counselors you work with. He'd be a way better boyfriend than Pikeman, wouldn't he? His eyes begin to water, he wishes he could turn off his brain completely. Pikeman decides to go to sleep, maybe that will distract him from his destructive thoughts. 

      After a night of restless sleep, Pikeman awakes at eight in the morning. He was about to panic before realizing Snake and Petrol are taking over for him today because you and him are going to meet up in the woods next to Camp Campbell. Getting up, he walks over to his dresser and picks out some casual clothes. He picks out a pair of denim jeans and a grey hoodie. After that, he makes his way to the showers to get ready.

      Once he's done showering, Pikeman styles his hair as usual, having two little tufts of auburn hair stick up from his head. After that, he seeks out Patrol and Snake, to make sure they both know what they're doing. After walking around the camp for a bit, he finds them near the mess hall, discussing today's plans. "Snake, Petrol." Pikeman addresses the men, they both salute him. "Yes sir." Snake says. 

      "You both discussed today's plans, correct?" Pikeman inquires, shifting his gaze from Snake, to Petrol. "Yes sir." Snake repeats as Patrol nods. "Good. Now, don't let me down men. You know what will happen if you let me down, right?" Pikeman reminds. Petrol and Snake nod, Snake shivers a bit, recalling the punishment in question. "Alright men, and remember," Pikeman says walking away "Don't fuck this up." He says, sending a glare back to Snake and Petrol.

      Pikeman makes his way onto the shore of Camp Campbell. He makes sure to stay a safe distance away from the camp, so he doesn't get caught. He walks through the dense forest and up to the edge of a cliff that you both like to go to hang out. Pikeman smiles sadly, this is the place he asked you out at. He remembers like it was only yesterday. 

      It was the day of the Lake Lilac social. You both danced for hours on end. You never took your eyes off of eachother. After a couple hours of dancing, you took Pikemans hand and lead him out of the Camp Campbell mess hall, through the forest, and up to the edge of a cliff. The cliff had a gorgeous view over Lake Lilac, and a beautiful view of that night's full moon.

      You both sat down and talked about nothing in particular. Pikeman has been hyping himself up all day for this very moment. "Y/n? Can I ask you something?" You turn to face him, your stunning e/c eyes looking into his golden ones. "Yeah, what's up Eddie?" Pikeman's heart skips a beat at the nickname. "Um, I was wondering if you'd like to be my significant other?" He finishes, glancing at your face for a reaction.

     Your face lights up. "Oh Eddie, I'd love too!" You exclaim. Pikeman can feel a smile form on his face. You grab his face and bring it closer to yours, bringing you into a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Pikeman had to go back to the Woodscouts camp, but he made sure to give you love before he left. 

      Pikeman sighs, sitting at the edge of the cliff. The Lake Lilac social was three weeks ago. How has his attitude changed so drastically within the span of a couple weeks? "They should just break it off with me, I'm not good enough for them," Pikeman thinks to himself. God, he wishes he could get rid of these wretched thoughts that plague his mind. Pikeman is pulled out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. 

      "Hey babe." You say, sitting down next to him on the cliff. "Sorry I was late, David and I had to round up the kiddos. Never teach fire safety camp and political history camp unless you want it to turn into riot control camp." You explain with a giggle. Pikeman giggles back and replies with a soft "yeah." You can immediately tell something was wrong, Pikeman is never really shy around you. He never has been, I guess he got a bit shy confessing to you the day of the Lake Lilac social. But other than that, he's never been remotely shy/not talkative around you.

       "Hey, is something bothering you?" You ask in a concerned tone. Pikeman turns to you with a soft smile. "Everythings okay." He says, his eyes say otherwise. They say eyes are windows to the soul and you can tell his soul hurts. Something is up with him, is he scared to tell you? "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" You say with an endearing tone. Pokemon's heart begins to hurt, he knows he can tell you anything, but he's not ready to tell you he's not good enough. 

        " have you been?" You ask, trying to break the awkward silence. "I've been okay, what about you?" Pikeman responds, you can tell he doesn't want to talk about himself. "I've been pretty good actually, camp's kind of a pain in the ass, but whats new?" You answer, he chuckles. "What's going on at your camp?" "Y'know, the usual training and occasional raid on other camps, what about yours?" Pikeman responds, you let out a tired sigh. "Oh my god literally everything. It's very unpredictable, but it's pretty fun to be honest. Keeps me on my toes too." You respond, rubbing your temples.

     "I'm so glad I have David and Gwen to help me, especially David. He just, has a way with some of the campers y'know? He can manage kids well. Sure he can sometimes be a spineless pushover, but that's where Gwen and I come in. We're the perfect trio to run a camp. And that's what makes my job so much fun." You explain chuckling to yourself. Pokemon gives a half hearted chuckle and looks away. Maybe you pushed him to far? But how? You don't think you did anything wrong.

     "Are you okay? Be truthful with me please." You sigh out. Pikeman sighs and looks down, not answering your question. "Baby, I wanna know what's wrong so I can fix it and apologize. You know I love you, and would never want to hurt you, right?" You say, putting a comforting hand on his back. That's what broke him. "No you don't." He hisses. "What? Of course I do." You say back, trying to reason with him. "Stop lying, I know you want to be with David." Pikeman says with watery eyes. 

     You shake your head in disbelief. "What? Where did this come from?" You ask. "It's the way you talk about him. You always put him on a pedestal and talk about how good of a counselor he is. I feel so insignificant when you talk about him like that, like you would just be better off with him..." Pikeman trails off, a tear rolls down his pale face. You didn't know that this was a problem. You hadn't known Pikeman was so insecure, he hides it so well. 

      Wrapping your arms around his lanky frame, you pull your boyfriend into a tight hug. "Sweetheart, I don't have a thing for David. I see him as a brother figure, I look up to him. I want to learn from him and become better. I love you more than you could ever imagine, and I don't plan on leaving you for anyone. Ever." You say softly, rubbing comforting circles into his back and running your hand through his hair. Poor boy is in tears now, sobbing into your shoulder. Ridding himself of all of his negative emotions about you and David.

      "You're so attractive, kind, and funny. You could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me? I'm a nobody compared to you..." Pikeman says through tears. He holds you close, practically squeezing you. He's afraid that you will leave if he lets go, he doesn't want to ever let go. "Eddie don't say that, you're so fucking handsome, and funny, and just...inspiring. The way you're able to overcome and adapt so quickly amazes me. That makes you somebody. You're somebody to your troop, you're somebody to me."

      You gently caress Pikeman's face in your hands and wipe his tears away with your thumbs. He looks at you with awe. You love him. You actually love him. This isn't a daydream, it's real. You managed to pull him out of his haze of disbelief and insecurity. He feels more like himself again, not like an insecure boy. He's still insecure, but not as much. You both sit there for a while, just holding each other and being in each other's presence.

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