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Requested by: Sam Clumsy (On Tumblr)

Image Credit: Mommy 🐇 on Pinterest 

Words: 1,132

Aged up: Nope

Song: Saccharine - Jazmin Bean

Genre: Angst

Pairing: Yan!David x Reader

!TWS!: Yandere/obsessive behavior, mentions of murder, gore, and swearing

"Everything you do, I'm obsessed with you. I don't mean to scare, but you're just so cute."

      You've been seeing David for how long now? Four months? You and David met at a bar, the poor guy was sobbing with a shirley temple in one hand, and a crumbled picture of a woman and him in the other. You assumed this to be his ex. You sat down next to him, asking him if you could buy him a drink. You've been in the same position before, so you could empathize with him. He nodded his head and you bought him a light alcoholic drink, because just by looking at him, you know he's very lightweight. 

       And that brings you to today, driving over to his house. You wanted to inquire about your best friend, Fraser, suddenly going missing after he sent you some...worrying messages. For example "David is fucking insane" and "I'm pretty sure he knows we talk, and he doesn't like us talking. I know what he's going to do." You did get some weird vibes off of him when you two hung out more and more. He seemed very obsessive and controlling, like he didn't want you talking to anyone except him. And only him.

     Although you brushed off this strange behavior, maybe he was clinging onto someone he just met because the love of his life just dumped him? You don't know, but that's how you rationalize it. You pull into the driveway of a white house with burgundy shutters, David's house. You get out of your car and hesitantly knock on the door. You stand and wait for a couple minutes then knock again. This time, when you knocked, the door opened ajar. You peek into the house through the crack in the door and see bloody footprints going down the hall. You gasp silently and rush into the house, not even bothering to take your shoes off.

       Following the trail of footprints, you find yourself standing in front of the bathroom. You can hear soft humming coming from inside. You open the door to reveal a blood-soaked David, washing his hands of the crimson liquid in the now lightly dyed porcelain sink. "Oh Y/n! It's pleasant of you to stop by~" he purrs with a sinister tone. Your eyes go wide and you hand instinctively covers your mouth as you back away. "D-david, what the fuck did you do?" You manage to say, still shocked and now terrified. "Oh, I took care of" he chuckles darkly, giving you a ominously lusty look. You gulp, trying to force out more words. "What does that mean?" You say, finally getting over your initial shock and now into full blown fear. 

      "Lets just say...Fraser won't be bothering you anymore, love~" he laughs maniacally. You cover your mouth with your hand and step backwards as David steps closer. You become nauseous at the smell of human rot and blood that David wears instead of his usual pine and campfire smoke. You resist the urge to scream when he cups your face with his bloody hand, knowing it will only make things worse for you. "Oh darling, you can scream if you want to." David says, as he leans in really close to your hear. "I love it when you scream~" he purrs into your hear, you manage to swallow the lump in your throat and try to shove him off of you.

      No matter how hard you shove, David doesn't budge. You use your last resort effort and manage to pull out your pocket knife and cut his cheek. He drops his lustful look for a more guilty and shocked one. He puts his hand to the cut and winces when his hand makes contact with it. "Honey, why would you do that..?" He whispers, looking like a kicked puppy. "You fucking killed Fraser David! Then you started coming at me, I got scared!" Your voice cracked as you yelled.

      Tears form in your eyes, David immediately feels regret and guilt. "I'm sorry sweetheart..." he says, holding you in a gentle embrace. You shoved him away. "Get away from me you freak!" You yell as you sprint to the front door. David gets up and yells for you to wait and stop. You don't listen, when your hand graces the door handle, something hits the back of your head really hard. Your vision goes dark as you pass out. David sighs, he really didn't want to have to do this. But you gave him no choice. 

      David hoists your unconscious body over his shoulder and carries you downstairs to his basement. His basement is rank, and smells of mothballs. His basement is full of random things and junk. David moves a tall cardboard box out of the way to reveal a rusty door. He opens the door to a long, dimly lit hallway with another door at the end. He walks up to the other door and opens it. It leads to another room that smell less rank.  The room has a medieval dungeon type theme. A black chandelier hangs from the ceiling, handcuffs and chains hang from the walls.

      A pole sits in the middle of the room along with an oddly comfortable looking chair. A black chest sits at the back if the room. Its filled with rope and other...items. He starts to hum a campfire song as he works. He sits your body up on the chair and goes to the aforementioned chest and pulls out some red rope. He ties up your body snugly to the pole. After he's done, he admires his work. After that, David shuts the door and locks it. Then he shuts the other door and locks it. He puts everything back into place and goes upstairs to finish cleaning up his mess. 

       A couple hours later, you wake up and immediately start screaming for help. A couple minutes later, David bursts into the room. "What happened dear?!" He says frantically . "DAVID YOU FUCKING WHORE WHY AM I HERE?!" You scream at him, he chuckles nonchalantly. "What do you mean darling? You're right where you're meant to be~" David says, that chuckle turning into maniacal laughter. You then realized that you're probably never going to escape him.  

(A/n: I'm so sorry this is so late y'all. Not only am I busy with school, but I got sick and now I'm behind :") But its okay! I'm getting better, and I hope updates will be more frequent :))

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