Yandere Alphabet (David)

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Requested by: Sam Clumsy (On Tumblr)

Words: 1,335

Genre: Kinda misc.

Character: David

Credit: mo0nightfairy on Tumblr for the Yandere Alphabet prompt. Image by yandere-cutie on Pinterest 

!Tws!: Y'all know the drill for Yandere shit

A - Adventure (What are some things they do with their darling everyday?):
One of the things David loves to do with you most is hiking! The only downside to this is that he has to handcuff you to him so you won't leave him. Ever :)

B - Binoculars (How much do they stalk their darling? How do they go about it?):

Once David first laid his eyes on you, he knew he had to be with you. Whatever. It. Takes. He see's you in public a lot, so he managed to get your schedule for tour usual errands. Such as shopping, going to the laundromat, or even going out to treat yourself. This happens monthly.

C - Color (What color does their love for their darling represent?):

Hot pink. I say this because David's desire for you is sweet, yet passionate. 

D - Dream (What is their dream life with their darling?):

Living in a cozy house, married with a dog. David wants something very domestic to hide his demented relationship with you. So he can eventually trick you into thinking this is normal.

E - Eclipse (Do they build a relationship with their darling or hide in the shadows?):

David definitely builds up a relationship. Usually he doesn't rush anything, but you just so happen to be a bit...different. He craves you. So he tries to go as slow as possible. 

F - Fracture (How can you severely hurt them?):

If you get scared of him. He doesn't want you to be afraid of him. It hurts his soul when he accidentally makes you cry.  He'll most likely give you about an hour to calm down then try to comfort you. He'll most likely cry into you and apologize profusely. 

G - Genesis (What will life for their darling be like with them?): 

David will try to keep his relationship with you as wholesome and domestic as possible. Of course he'll manipulate you into this sort of normality, he wants you to bend at his whim. He also has rules for you, like no going out without him, always having to introduce a new friend to him as well, etc. If you don't follow these rules, then you'll be punished :)

H - Headcanon (What is a random headcanon about the yandere?):

My headcanon for Yan!David is that he is actually a super unsuspecting yandere. Like, he's nice and chill with everyone around him and you. He never shows his twisted love for you in public or even around  you until you two are together. If you asked his co-workers, family, or friends about him being a yandere, they'd say it's impossible with his temperament.

I - Infatuation (When did they first realize they were in love with their darling?): 

He realizes it when you meet about the third or fourth time you meet. David's love isn't instant like other yandere's. He has to have time to think it over, you have to be the one he can spend an eternity with.

J - Jack-In-The-Box (How will they capture their darling?):

He'll wait until you move in with him. This is why he insists on you moving in with him, so you can be in his control at all times. That is, unless something else goes down. Like in the Yan!David oneshot, he has a side room in his basement he uses just in case something...not according to plan happens. 

K - Knockout (How do they treat people in their darling's life?):

He treats them with the upmost respect. He also subtlety manipulates them, just to make sure not even your closest friends or family members will believe you when you try to leave him :)

L - Lemon (How do they behave with their darling? How do they behave with others? Are they mean or nice?):

Like I mentioned above, David is so nice and charming that people fall for his guise. They will never see him as being a yandere. He's also very nice to you, unless you misbehave.

M - Moonlight (What is their innermost self like?): 

Very twisted. He wants you for him and only him. He will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to get you to be his. 

N - Nurture (How do they care for their darling?): 

David is a very physically loving person. He'll usually cuddle you to comfort you, he's also a phenomenal cook. He'll cook you your comfort/safe foods. 

O - Oasis (Where would they keep their darling?):

If you met him the natural way, in the house. He'll force you into his room if you've been particularly bad that day. If you meet a different way, in the side room in his basement. You'll probably have to stay in there for a month ir two until he can trust you enough to roam the house. He'll force you to go down there if you're extremely bad however.

P - Police (How will they protect their darling after kidnapping them?):

He'll make you stay in the basement for a month or two before he fully trusts you to be let upstairs into the rest if the house. He will kill anyone that finds out about you in the basement, no one should know about the basement but you and him. It's your little secret :)

Q - Quarter (Would they buy things for their darling? What kind of stuff would they give them?): 

He most certainly would buy gifts for you! He probably buys you lots of food and cute stuffed animals. If he knows your interests (which he probably does) he'll buy you everything he can find that relates to that interest. If you mad an Amazon wishlist for things you like, he'd probably find out and buy everything off of it.

R - Ring (How would they propose to their darling?):

He'd probably take you on a vacation to your favorite vacation spot. At sunset on a hike he would propose to you on the top of the hill/mountain you were hiking on. The ring would be a beautiful gold/silver with your birthstone in the middle.

S - Shelter (What measures would they go to protect their darling?):

We already know this man would kill for you.

T - Teddy Bear (How affectionate are they with their darling?): 

The most affectionate they can be with you. If you refuse his affection, he will of course be upset, but if he wants you to stay, he has to somewhat respect your boundaries.

U - Utopia (How much effort do they put into making their darling happy?):

David put's in all of his effort. As I mentioned, he will do anything for you.

V - Valentine (How do they act when they were first crushing on their darling?): 

He'll act very shy and cute. He will blush if he's around you, he'll stutter when talking to you, etc.

W - Willow (How much freedom do they grant their darling?):

He will grant you very little freedom. You'll be allowed out, but you have to hold his hand at all times. Unless you have to use the bathroom. There is a rare chance that he will let you go out ion your own, but that's when he knows absolutely with out a shadow of a doubt you won't leave him. 

X - Xylophone (What song reminds them of their darling?):

Fairytale by Alexander Rybak 

Y - Youth (What was their life like before they met their darling?): 
He was dead set in finding the one. Lots if lonely nights, one night stands, and blood on his hands.

Z - Zero (What will they do when they have nothing left?): 

David will probably not see a use in life anymore. Without you, he has nothing. He'd probably end it all.

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