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Requested by: Biroktikar

Image credit: AUTO/VISUAL DEPT. On Pinterest

Words: 1,193

Aged up: Nope! Cus this is kinda like a dadvid oneshot :)

Song: Wires - The Neighborhood

Genre: Hurt comfort I guess?

Pairing: David x Camper!Reader

!TWS!: Mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, suicidal tenancies, a small mention of blood, and some swearing.

"You knew the game and played it. It kills to know you have been defeated. I see the wires pulling while you're breathing."

You wince as the alcohol-covered napkin makes contact with your cuts. You managed to sneak a bottle of alcohol, napkins, and bandages into your tent without David, Gwen or Preston (who is your tentmate) finding out. You have a pretty big problem with self harm, mostly because your depression gets very bad at times. It gets so bad that you have suicidal thoughts and suicidal tendencies.

Finishing up wrapping your arm, you cut the bandages and seal them to your arm. You put the bandages, alcohol, napkins, and razor back in a small box then slide it under your cot. You roll down the sleeve of your f/c long sleeve shirt and flop back on your cot. Preston is fast asleep in the cot across your shared tent, oblivious as to what happened. You know they've been getting a bit suspicious of you. You toss over to face the wall of the tent and eventually fall asleep.

You get scared awake bu the sound of David's morning whistle. This has woken you up almost every day for months and you still get scared by it every single time. You groggily run your e/c eyes and brush/comb out your h/c h/l hair before you leave your tent. You sluggishly make your way to the mess hall for breakfast. Once you're inside, you grab your tray of mashed potatoes and one pancake then sit down.

In the middle of eating your mashed potatoes, you get that urge. That very familiar, self destructive urge. You hurry up and finish your breakfast then you manage to slip out of the mess hall undetected. You silently make your way back to your tent. Looking around for anyone, you slip into your empty tent. You sigh as you grab the small box from under your bed.

After his breakfast, David scans the mess hall for any missing campers. He automatically realizes you're nowhere to be found in the mess hall. As one would, David begins to panic. He slips out of the mess hall and looks around the campers' tents. He looks around the outskirts of the tent area before he quietly makes his way over to your tent. He peaks into your tent, your back is facing him. He sees the small.box containg alcohol, napkins and...bandages...

"Y/n?" He speaks in a small, worried voice. You jump at the sound of his voice, you slowly turn to face him. A look of worry and fear on your features. "Oh...shit." you sigh out, knowing you're probably going to get in some sort of trouble or lectured. Or at least, thats what your parents do, most adults do that to you. You begin to put away your things like nothing happened. David comes in and sits down on your cot and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, I'm sorry." He says, you perk up.

"David, why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything wrong." You say, turning to face him. "I know, it's just...I didn't know it was this bad." He sighed, you rose your brow at him. "What do you mean by that?" "When your parents signed you up for [insert camp here], they told me about your depression and how bad it gets sometimes. I didn't think it was this bad though." He explains, you sigh.

You understand why your parents told David, it could be classified as a safety concern. But it's just embarrassing, you're a relatively normal person. You just have a mental illness that can sometimes hinder you. "I'm sorry David. I shouldn't be doing this, especially here. I don't want to freak you out but I can't help it. I have to do this to keep myself satisfied, it's like a twisted punishment. I hate it and I don't want to do it anymore but I physically can't stop." You finish, a couple tears escaping your eyes.

"Oh Y/n-" David envelops your small figure in a tight hug. "Don't apologize, I know what you're going through. I've been there, I know how hard it is." Hearing David empathize with you makes you sob. Nobody empathized with you like David did, they just made you feel alien. They make you feel insane. David makes you feel not alone. He makes you feel seen.

After you're done sobbing your eyes out into David's shoulder. You pull away from him and realize you haven't cleaned and dressed your cuts yet. "Oh shit, I'm sorry about getting blood on your shirt David." "Language, you're fine Y/n." He says with a comforting tone. He grabs the box sitting next to you and holds out his hand. You look at him with a thankful look and put your small arm across his hand. "You know, I can help you stop self harming. I have a couple of ways that will take your mind off of the urge." David says, you perk up.

"Teach me your ways, Camp Man." You say, he chuckles. "Okay, one that I always find helpful is going out for a walk or a jog. It clears your mind of wanting to self harm. Another tip is to talk to or hang out with a friend. Being with or around a friend will help you forget about wanting to cut. This tip usually works while you feel the ugre, you could draw. Even if you're not that good at drawing, you could draw out the emotions you feel. Release your pain onto your paper." David finishes.

He breaks off the bandage and tapes it to your arm. You pull down your sleeve and give David another hug. "Thank you so much David, you made me feel so seen and not chastised for something I can't control." You say, nuzzling your head further into his shoulder. He returns the hug and gives you a comforting pat on the back. "No problem Y/n. You can always come to me or Gwen if you need help."

(A/n pt.1: If you have felt like self harming please talk to a loved one or call 1-800-273-8255. That number is for a national suicide hotline, or you could find a hotline in your country. )

(A/n pt.2: This book is becoming not only a oneshot book, but also a preference book! The ones I'm doing right now are Gwen, David, Max (aged up), Pikeman, and Neil (Aged up). Ofc you can request more, but the campers will be aged up along with the Flower Scouts and Petrol and Snake.)

Camp Camp x Reader Oneshots, Preferences, And Headcanons! (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now