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M/n has created a group chat!

M/n has named the group "CHAOTIC-TREJO"

M/n has added Choi Hyunsuk to the group!

ChoiHyunsuk : Ohh-- What's this? A group chat?

M/n : Yupsss, and we are going to use it for work discussion or anything :)

ChoiHyunsuk : Just for work?? Huh-- you sure about that M/n? :0

M/n : Yeah, of course. Why-- Ohhh now I get it :/

M/n : It's okay, just make it like a normal chatroom

ChoiHyunsuk : 'Normal' doesn't exist in the TREASURE DICTIONARY but okayy

M/n : Hahaha... Okay now, the next member... Jihoon

M/n has added Park Jihoon to the group!

ParkJihoon : Ohh-- what? Where am I?

ChoiHyunsuk : Chatroom Hoon, M/n created it

ParkJihoon : I seee... Why though?

M/n : I will explain about it when all of the member is here. Now can you both help me? I will make you both as an admin, please add your children to the group. I mean-- members.

Choi Hyunsuk is now an admin!

Park Jihoon is now an admin!

ChoiHyunsuk : Okay then :)

ParkJihoon : Haha children, so funny :,)

M/n : Bdosjsohahagsiaiaohw just do your work Jihoon

ParkJihoon : Heyy, it's supposed to be Jihoon hyung

M/n : ^?^

ParkJihoon : Oh wait-- Hahaha you're older, sorry ;)

ChoiHyunsuk : Come on, add them already

Choi Hyunsuk has added Yoshinori to the group!

Choi Hyunsuk has added Kim Junkyu to the group!

Choi Hyunsuk has added Mashiho to the group!

Choi Hyunsuk has added Yoon Jaehyuk to the group!

Choi Hyunsuk has added Asahi to the group!

Yoshinori : Oh what's this ^^

Mashiho : A group chat it seems

KimJunkyu : Wowww this is going to be fun! Anything to share guys!!??

Asahi : Now a group chat is exist, there is no peace in this world anymore...?

YoonJaehyuk : Haha relax @Asahi It will be fun. But where are the others?

M/n : Jihoon???

KimJunkyu : Park Jihoooonn ~~

1 hour and 15 minutes later...

M/n : Ummm...

ChoiHyunsuk : YAHHH!! JIHOON-A!!!

ParkJihoon : Oh yeah sorry, I was at the toilet

ChoiHyunsuk : You're kidding me. You're in the toilet for 1 hour!?!? What are you doing?

ParkJihoon : N-Nothing :|

YoonJaehyuk : Sus

KimJunkyu : Really sus

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