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KimJunkyu : HIII! Morning everyone!!

ChoiHyunsuk : You're so early Junkyu

ParkJihoon : Yeah... And it's only 6:45 a.m.

YoonJaehyuk : Plus, today is Sunday... ( sigh ) Finally, a day to rest...

ParkJeongwoo : Yeah, just give me 2 more hours

KimJunkyu : Guyss, wake up. We are suppose to be energetic! Do some sports or anything

Mashiho : You? Sports?

KimJunkyu : I-I means g-games or activities...

Yoshinori : Hmmm yeah, 'activities'

KimJunkyu : Ohh come on... Yoshi? Not you too

KimJunkyu : @Haruto Heyy are you awake??

Haruto : We're literally in the same room, do you need to use the chat?

KimJunkyu : Yes, of course. Then why did the chatroom exist?

Haruto : Yeah... Whatever you said baby. I'm still a little bit tired, just give me 5 more minutes...

BangYedam : * cough *

SoJunghwan : Exposing yourself there, I see... That's interesting

KimJunkyu : Haru, your message...

Haruto : What...? W-Wait what!?!?

Yoshinori : You should delete it before @YoonJaehyuk & @ParkJeongwoo sees it

BangYedam : Woww that's a nice warning

SoJunghwan : Did hyung just 'tag' them? Hahahahahahahahaha

Mashiho : Yoshi, you really could just type their name not tagged them

Yoshinori : I am suddenly become lazy, so yeah

BangYedam : You? Lazy? That's rare

Yoshinori : I think that I'm just a bit tired, I was doing some recordings yesterday

BangYedam : I see, same as me then. Maybe we can work it out together after this :)

Yoshinori : Yeah sure, Mashi could join us too for some extra vocals

Mashiho : Gladly :))

YoonJaehyuk : Oh woowww, what do we have here?? Heh... 'Baby' huh? ;)

ParkJeongwoo : Interesting, very interesting :,))

KimJunkyu : Haru-ya, what are you waiting for? Delete it now

Haruto : Shit! I can't, I'm sorry. There is some setting in this chatroom that makes me unable to delete it

ChoiHyunsuk : Yeah, maybe M/n is the one who does the setting. And Haruto... LANGUAGE!!!

ParkJihoon : Heh what are you? 'Cursing Detector' or something

ChoiHyunsuk : Ohh shut up, don't talk to me anymore

ParkJihoon : Huh whatever. W-Wait what?? Why???

ChoiHyunsuk : I don't know, you're so annoying. I don't really like you teasing me

ParkJihoon : Awww baby, I'm just playing around with you... I'm sorryyy

BangYedam : * cough for the second time *

SoJunghwan : Sooo you all are getting weird and curious when Haruto-hyung called Junkyu-hyung 'baby', but then not when Jihoon-hyung called Hyunsuk-hyung 'baby'?

Yoshinori : Did you just say 4X of hyung, kiyowo

BangYedam : I know right, uri maknae

KimDoyoung : And Junghwan, you need to know that Hyunsuk & Jihoon are already married * laugh *

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