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ChoiHyunsuk : Hmmm...

ParkJihoon : Ohh-- You're the first one starting the chat for today?

Yoshinori : Yes hyung. Anything to share?

ChoiHyunsuk : I'm just wondering about something

Mashiho : What is it?

ChoiHyunsuk : Why don't we have a nickname ( Username ) ?

SoJunghwan : Goshh hyung

YoonJaehyuk : I thought you're going to announce something

ParkJeongwoo : Or tell us some bad news. You making me scared for nothing

ChoiHyunsuk : What? Why would you guys think that?

KimJunkyu : Let me begin, shall I? Firstly, you are rarely, absolutely rarely to begin the conversation first. Even though you are ENFP

Haruto : Secondly, even if you did start the conversation first, you are eventually going to announce something important to us

KimDoyoung : Or telling some news of something

BangYedam : We understand it though, you're the leader after all

Asahi : And lastly, because you are also the type of person which is same as me. Seeking for the 'peace' guy...

Mashiho : Hahahahaha Asahi ;))

Asahi : What? Hyung is like that, you know

Yoshinori : Hmmm... But then he doesn't really show that side of him

YoonJaehyuk : Yeah, he is even one of the loudest in the group

ParkJeongwoo : And love to be the "Fake Maknae"

ChoiHyunsuk : What the-- I'm not the loudest

YoonJaehyuk : 'One of the'

ChoiHyunsuk : Still, I'm not

YoonJaehyuk : :P

SoJunghwan : He is trying to stole the 'Maknae' title from me

KimDoyoung : Awww baby, don't be sad. You always will be the one and only our cutest maknae

SoJunghwan : Ew no. But thanks

KimDoyoung : ;( & ;)

BangYedam : What's going on with the symbol? I'm confuse

KimDoyoung : Dummy

BangYedam : Heyy

KimDoyoung : Sowwy Babe ~~

BangYedam : It's okay...

ChoiHyunsuk : @ParkJeongwoo Nooo! I'm not trying to be the "Fake Maknae" Teume call me that, what should I do? They love it, right? It's not my fault for being the cutest one

ParkJihoon : Awww baby, of course it's not your fault. But then please don't be too cute for them ( Teume ) You can be in 'Max Cute Level' only when you're with me...

ChoiHyunsuk : ......

YoonJaehyuk : Such a daddy attitude

KimJunkyu : Not good for the Maknae Line though. Close your eye kiddos

KimJunkyu : Except for Haruto, you're matured enough

Haruto : :))


Mashiho : His voice tells everything

ParkJeongwoo : Hmph ;\

SoJunghwan : But my voice change too, does that mean I'm matured enough already?

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