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♤ Hello Hello, it's been a long ( long long long ~~ ) time since I last saw you all. Now, the book is almost reaching 1k reads. I'm ded for the commitment. But for now, let me apologise to those that have been waiting with this new chapter. Enjoy ♤


M/n : Morning everyone

ChoiHyunsuk : Morning M/n :)

ParkJihoon : Morning baby

M/n : Eww no

ParkJihoon : Who said its for you

M/n : O-Oh

YoonJaehyuk : Stop dreaming M/n

ParkJeongwoo : Yeah, don't be a third wheel

M/n : I'm not

Yoshinori : Morning M/n-hyung

Mashiho : Morning hyung

M/n : Awww cuties is here, then no cursing for me, you're lucky @YoonJaehyuk @ParkJeongwoo ^.^

YoonJaehyuk : Lame

ParkJeongwoo : Agree

KimJunkyu : Hey stop bullying him

KimDoyoung : Yeah, don't hurt my sweetheart's feeling

M/n : Thanks Junkyu :,)

Haruto : ( Huh... so caring for him )

KimDoyoung : How about me?

M/n : Where's Asahi?

SoJunghwan : He's still sleeping

M/n : I see... What are you doing Junghwannie?

SoJunghwan : Eating breakfast

M/n : Don't you have school?

KimDoyoung : It's Sunday, darling

M/n : @BangYedam you're here? What day is it today?

BangYedam : Ummm... well Doyoung already said it. But nevermind, it's Sunday

M/n : Oh yeah, Sunday...

KimDoyoung : ( Did I do something wrong...? )

M/n : Sooo... do you have free time now?

YoonJaehyuk : No, we're resting

ParkJeongwoo : Yeah, let us rest

M/n : Oh... really...

ChoiHyunsuk : M/n, just leave them. What do you want to do?

ParkJihoon : If my baby want to do it, so do I

ChoiHyunsuk : Could you just--

KimJunkyu : Calm down hyung, calm down

Mashiho : Yes, listen to Junkyu... You are a good person Hyunsuk-hyung

Haruto : He is a bastard, you know that

ParkJihoon : What did you say???

ChoiHyunsuk : Yeah... thank you guys. I'm fine now

BangYedam : What a... ummm way

KimDoyoung : What a "unique" way, unique is the word

Yoshinori : Yeah the way to comfort Hyunsuk-hyung is the easiest, I think...

ParkJeongwoo : Just by saying some bad things about Jihoon and its done

YoonJaehyuk : Example, stupid a**hole and dumba**

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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