Diagon Alley

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Tatum Blackwell was a part of a very respectable pureblood family she grew up with the Malfoys because her parents were never around so she became very good friends with their son Draco Malfoy

It was nearing their first day of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry so Narcissa took them to Diagon Alley to get their supplies

Narcissa knew how alone Tatum would be if she didn't look after her  because of her parents always doing things for the ministry so Narcissa took her in as her own and raised her along with her son Draco becoming very fond of the young girl who already seemed to be different from the people she grew up around

Tatum valued knowledge and using her most logical judgment to get her through life she followed her head not her heart or her desires even though she was only eleven she had already begun to stand her ground when her parents pressured her to act like a lady or not express her opinions

Draco admired this because he too wished he had the guts to stand up to his father but he admired the man too much to not do as he wished

As the three got to Diagon alley they first went to get Draco and Tatum their uniforms

"What houses do you think you will be in?" Narcissa asked the children who were giddily leading her through the street

Draco smiled at his mother and proudly spoke "Slytherin I hope"

Narcissa patted his head and then looked to Tatum who had her eyes trained on the ground "Tatum what about you sweetie"

"Slytherin as well," she said half-heartedly

Narcissa could tell she didn't mean it she also knew almost for sure that her little Tatum would be Ravenclaw and that in itself would create problems in her family life

After their adventures in Diagon alley, they used floo powder to get back to the Malfoy manner. Once the three arrived tatums mother was there waiting for her

"Tatum, I wanted to wish you good luck at Hogwarts so I've stopped by," she said addressing her daughter "could we have a word privately please Mrs . Malfoy?"

Narcissa just nods and leads Draco out of the room but they both stick around behind the closed door

"Tatum I hope you know that our family name has a lot of good history behind it and I expect you to hold that up you are our only child " she sighs "the best advice I can give you is to be Slytherin get good grades and stick with the other pureblood I won't have a blood traitor in my family"

Tatum nods trying not to show how intimidated she feels because she knows her mother will thrive more off of that she also knows that she doesn't give a shit about what her mother is saying she will do as she pleases it's not as if she's a huge part of her own family anyway "yes mother"

Mrs. Blackwell awkwardly hugs her daughter "all right I should be leaving soon but remember don't you disgrace our families name" and with that Mrs. Blackwell apparated back to the ministry

Tatum walked out of the family room to see Draco and Narcissa standing by the door "were you eavesdropping?" She asked tiredly already knowing that they were

Narcissa smiles lightly "yes just making sure you're not getting hurt my love" she then turns towards the kitchen "I'm going to make dinner you two are free to do whatever"

Tatum then grabs Draco's hand and pulls him up to the roof of the manor she sits on the edge staring at the lowering sun this is somewhat of a tradition they have when Narcissa makes dinner the kids watch the sunset "it's really pretty today" Tatum comments

Draco nods "yea I'm going to miss this" he looks down knowing that with Hogwarts starting for the both of them things won't be the same

Tatum looks at him quizzically she can't understand why he's so worried he has barely anything to worry about because he's a Slytherin "it won't be so different I don't think"

Draco puts his head in his palms "yea it will" he then looks at her "your not a Slytherin Tatum and that's going to change everything"

Tatum shrugs "I think you'll be ok without me Malfoy and it's not like I won't ever see you again I know my family will be mad but they won't kill me"

Draco grabs her arm and pushes her sleeve up revealing a bruise from her father "I wouldn't be so sure about that"

Tatum pushes his hands off of her then tugs her sleeve back down "how do you even know about that?" She raises her voice slightly

"I pay attention Tatum it's clear your family is the type to hurt you I suspected it for a while but at the party last week I followed your father when he went looking for you and heard him hurt you" Draco is just twiddling with his fingers he can't look at her knowing that he was too cowardly to help her

Tatum nods taking in the new information "thank you"

Draco scoffs "for what?"

"Looking out for me, showing you care I appreciate it" she looks over at him then nudges his shoulder before getting up "cheer up I'm going to go help your mom cook" Tatum then goes back down the latter and into Draco's room walking down the stairs to find Narcissa

Draco decides to just stay there and process his thoughts he knows that he and his mom won't be able to protect Tatum once she isn't a Slytherin because they will be pressured to ignore her and if his father tells them to they'll have no choice but Draco will find a way around it he is a determined boy and even though he has failed at defending her before he won't let himself this time

Tatum walks into the kitchen to see Narcissa cooking noodles "do you want me to make a salad?" She asks

Narcissa nods "that would be great sweetie thank you"

"No problem" Tatum responds as she's chopping the lettuce she decides to ask about the whole house situation the fact that Draco was worried made her more concerned for herself because he picked up on it "do you think it will be that bad if I'm not a Slytherin?"

Narcissa moves from her place at the stove to face Tatum "it will be tough you know how the pureblood families are if you're not up to their standards but I know I will do everything in my power to help you through it and I'm going to talk to Draco about that so he will be looking out for you as well"

Tatum nods but adds "I don't think you'll need to worry about that he's the one who made me concerned about it well more than I already was at least"

Narcissa smiles to herself that's her boy she knows that he feels the need to act like Lucius but when it comes to the people he cares about he is kind and protective.

The three of them end up eating dinner and playing a few rounds of wizards chess before Narcissa sends the kids to bed they have a big day tomorrow

Once Draco and Tatum reach their rooms which are right next to each other Draco grabs Tatum's wrist "I have to warn you about something"

Tatum turns towards him yet he doesn't drop her wrist "yes?"

"Don't judge me for how I treat others my father had a whole talk with me the other day about picking on the other students like mudbloods or any Gryffindors please know it's because of that also I plan to make time for you once we are at Hogwarts because I know I won't be able to spend all that time worth Crabbe and Goyle" he smiles a bit at the last part thinking of the dim-witted twins

Tatum smiles wide "I won't Draco I know you have a lot of things expected of you and I know the real you I'm not going to forget about him no matter how much you're forced to put him away" Tatum then goes for her door but abruptly turns to face him again "now I want a promise from you don't let them push you around all of the time I get it if it's most of the time but stand your ground you are allowed to be different yes it will create more problems but in my experience, it's worth it"

Draco nods "if I do that can you try to be less self-destructive in that way and listen to them sometimes just so I don't have to constantly worry about you?"

Tatum sighs knowing that it will be hard but if it means Draco will stop letting himself be pushed around by his father as much it's worth it so she nods "I promise"

And with that, the pair said their goodnights and went off to bed

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