First Day

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Tatum woke up before Luna so she got to the bathroom first she changed into her robes, combed her hair, and brushed her teeth.

Tatum had light brown straight hair with green eyes she was quite pretty for her age and all of her parent's friends or colleagues would always tell her she would grow up gorgeous

Once she exited the bathroom Luna was getting out of bed "good morning Tatum" Luna spoke cheerfully even though it seemed she was barely awake.

Tatum chuckles "morning Luna" Tatum then walks over to her nightstand where she kept her wand and books "I'm meeting Hermione outside the great hall so we can have breakfast together would you like to join?" She asks politely

Luna smiles "I would love to thanks for offering"

"No problem" Tatum then makes her bed and by the time she is finished Luna is standing at the door ready to leave

They eventually make it down to the great hall and see Hermione waiting at the entrance

"Morning Hermione" Tatum greets and then motions to Luna "this is my roommate Luna I invited her to sit with us I hope that it's ok," she says almost certain Hermione will be fine with it

"Hello it's very nice to meet you Hermione" Luna speaks politely

Hermione smiles "the more the merrier and it is very nice to meet you as well is it ok if we sit at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Harry?" She asks

"Of course" Tatum then turns to Luna "is that ok with you Luna?"

Luna just nods and the three girls then walk to Gryffindor table and sit across from Harry and Ron

"Morning boys," Hermione says as she sits down

Tatum just waves as she already has her eyes set on the food that was set in the middle of their table

As the rest of the group talked while they ate Tatum and Ron were stuffing food into their mouths like they haven't eaten in days well at least until the owls came flying in Once Tatum saw the first one she started to panic her parents knew they had to they probably want to disown her

Draco who was sitting in between Crabbe and Goyle also noticed the first of the owls and then looked around the great hall for Tatum then he spotted her at Gryffindor table' great' he thought sarcastically she had to make it as hard as possible for him to talk to her in public by hanging out with Gryffindors

Nonetheless, he started to walk over to her group once he was behind then he cleared his throat "hey Tate can we talk real quick"

Tatum turns around but automatically notices how uncomfortable everyone else at the table is now that Draco showed up so she decides to act like she dislikes her best friend as well "what is it Malfoy?" she asks 

This throws Draco off why would Tatum already hate him he barely did anything and she said that she wouldn't use what his father was forcing him to do against him "please Tate" he asks softly showing that her tone had slightly affected him.

Tatum nearly smiled at him but held it back by biting her cheek "Fine" she then pulls him out of the great hall and the second she's sure no one can hear them she apologizes "I'm sorry I don't hate you its just that they do and I don't want them knowing that I'm friends with you" 

Draco nods somewhat understandingly he understands why if she is openly friends with him they automatically just won't trust her as stupid as it is it's true so he decides to respect her decision even if it will make his life a lot harder "alright but the reason I pulled you out here was that I want to be there when you open the letter from your parents" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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