Hogwarts Express

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Narcissa took both Draco and Tatum to platform 9 3/4 wishing them luck on their first days and nearly squeezing the life out of them before she was forced by the clock to let them go

Once getting on the train Crabbe and Goyle quickly found Draco and simply disregarded Tatum because they didn't know her very well and assumed Draco didn't either

When Draco realized Tatum wasn't keeping up with him Crabbe and Goyle he called out to her "Tatum you coming?"

Tatum freezes she wants to go make new friends she was trying to slowly lose Malfoy but he caught onto her "I think I'm going to go find pansy and say hello" she responds turning the other way and walking as quickly as she can

Draco just shrugs and continues walking until Crabbe asks him "what was that about?"

"Oh just seeing if she was coming with us" he responds

Crabbe drops the subject and they move on to talking about their classes at Hogwarts

Tatum walks through the compartments trying to find ones with first years and is having no luck but once the train starts to move one of the attendants push her into a compartment with a taller brunette guy and a girl with brunette bushy hair who looks to be a first-year as well after stumbling into the compartment Tatum introduces herself "hi I'm Tatum Blackwell" she sticks out her hand to the girl and then once she shakes it to the older guy

"I'm Hermione Granger and I don't know your name sorry," she says facing the taller boy

He laughs at the two younger girls "Cedric Cedric Diggory"

"What years are you guys in?" Tatum asks curiously to see their age differences

"Year 3" Cedric responds while sitting down

Hermione then sits on the opposite side of the compartment "I'm a first-year"

Tatum smiles sitting down next to Hermione "I am as well"

The three of them talk about the classes they are excited about and Cedric tells them whether or not they are correct to be excited

Eventually, Hermione goes to use the bathroom so Tatum and Cedric continue discussing Hogwarts until Tatum starts to worry about Hermione "I think I'm going to go look for her she's been gone for 20 minutes Ced"

Cedric nods his head and waved her on out of the compartment

Tatum walks through the train looking in compartments for Hermione until she passes the compartment Draco and the twins are in so she quickly runs past it hoping Draco didn't see her a few doors down is Hermione talking to what looks like to other first-years "Hermione that's where you got to"

Hermione laughs "oh hey Tatum sorry I didn't go back to the compartment Neville lost his frog and then I started chatting with these two," she says gesturing towards the redhead and boy with glasses

"Oh well it's nice to meet you guys I'm Tatum Blackwell" she introduces herself

"Harry Potter" the boy with the glasses holds out his hand until the redhead slaps it down

"Don't touch her she's a snotty pureblood family" he yells at harry

"She's quite nice Ron I'm a muggle-born and she hasn't said a word  about it" Hermione beats Tatum to defend herself

"And I presume you are a Weasley Ron?" Tatum questions

Ron nods and gulps a little

Tatum laughs at how scared he seems "I'm not going to bite I promise I'm just trying to get an education make friends and memories I'm not going to terrorize you for no reason" she promises

Ron wearily holds out his hand "ok"

Tatum then shakes his hand and Harry's

"Alright Tatum let's get back to Cedric," Hermione says pulling Tatum down the hallway back to their compartment

The rest of the ride to Hogwarts is the three of them getting to know each other and the two younger girls making Cedric promise to stay friends with them after this train ride

Going to the great hall Hermione and Tatum just follow the group of kids and then sit down at the designated table for the unsorted

The sorting ceremony starts after Dumbledors opening speech

The sorting is done alphabetically by the last name so it isn't very long until Tatum is called up to the sorting hat

She sits down and smiles lightly at professor Mcgonnagol once the hat is in her head it starts to speak

"Hmm you seem to have the kindness and openness of a Hufflepuff also the bravery of a Gryffindor hmm that pride is also a Slytherin like an attribute" the hat rambles on

Tatum tries to talk to it in her mind remembering her promise to try and appease the purebloods "please be Slytherin please be Slytherin"

"Oh you want to be Slytherin"

"I have to be my family will kill me"

"Yes but you know that isn't truly what you are or what you truly want"

As soon as the hat said that she looked sadly over at Draco who was staring at her hopefully

"Ravenclaw" the hat announces to the crowd

Tatum then stands up and walks over to the table in front of the navy and silver banner people congratulate her but she barely hears it she looks over at Draco who's lips are pressed in a straight line not liking what happened and knowing it will create issues

After the feast, Tatum follows her perfect up to her common room and dorms to see that she is sharing a dorm with a girl named Luna

Once she unpacks and gets to know Luna slightly she hears a tap at the window and sees dracos eagle owl Hermes Tatum walks over and unlocks the window seeing that Hermès had a note "meet me in astronomy tower" she quickly crumpled up the note and threw it away

"What was that?" Luna asked walking over towards Hermes petting him

"Just a blank note I have to use the restroom but I think I'm going to explore a little bit so don't wait up for me," Tatum tells Luna as she exits their dorm

After around 15 minutes of searching, Tatum finds the astronomy tower and climbs the stairs finding Draco on the terrace staring at the stars

"I should've guessed you'd like it up here you always have loved the stars," Tatum says announcing her arrival

Draco smiles over at her "yea how are you holding up ?"

Tatum sighs "do you want me to make you feel better about it or be honest?" She asks

"You know I always choose honesty Tate" Draco motions for her to come to sit by him

Tatum sits "I think the hat was right but I'm just worried for tomorrow or whenever my parents find out they'll probably demand a meeting with dumbledor and tell him the hat is wrong or just disown me entirely like the blacks did to Sirius"

Draco nods along scared for his friend as well "your here at Hogwarts they can't do much until Christmas break and I'll invite you over to the manner for all of it so hopefully, you won't even see them" he explains the most reliable plan that he has come up with so far

"I hope your right Malfoy"

"I'm always right Blackwell"

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