Chapter 6 | Kanji Tatsumi

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~~~ 14/05 ~~~Raining ~~~


The biking gangs bothered everyone. The cops, the children, the students, and even Kanji Tatsumi. A delinquent well known in Inaba for his short temper and famous bike-gang beatdowns. 

The delinquent has bleached blond hair, sweptback crewcut with a widow's peak, gray eyes and various small ring piercings on his ears, and one small piercing on his nose. He has quite a tall and muscular build, intimidating even the police which has to take him in from time to time. Kanji goes to high school and is a first-year in Yasogami High School, as such he brands the uniform, though most would say the way he wears it is peculiar. He wears a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt skull-and-crossbones design on the front, under his school jacket, which he wears as a cape. 

Kanji had the most unapproachable and intimidating face a boy his age could have with only one scar on the left side of his forehead. 

Kanji truly hated the bike gangs in Inaba however, it wasn't for the reason most thought.

Most would think or insinuate that Kanji hated the bike gangs because they were stepping on his territory, and he beat them up because he had to teach them a lesson.

This was simply not true.

Kanji has an older woman as a mother and she can't get enough sleep when they come around, as such, Kanji has to go to the biker gangs and ask them to take it down a peg. Normally, the biker gangs act too big for their own good, insulting him and his family, causing Kanji to lose his temper and start a brawl.

Today was the same as most times. Kanji came to warn the bikers to stop making so much noise and to let his mother sleep because she had work to do in the mornings, however, when he arrived at where the biker gangs usually hang out with their bikes he only saw a smaller boy with weird hair color -- or should he say colors?

Kanji could tell from an instant, those colors on his hair weren't dyed there, their roots weren't colored weirdly neither were they a different color, still though, he was quite taken back by the unusual hair color. 'Green and red hair has to be some in danger of extinction hair colors' he couldn't help but think. 

The boy was facing forwards, his cape -- jacket, was facing Kanji, the boy's back was facing Kanji. He had such a small back, but for some reason, Kanji didn't feel like asking him anything or talking to him, it was almost as if his own body didn't want to anger the boy in front of him.

Kanji stopped a little behind the boy, and before he could get his attention, the boy turned around and showed Kanji what was possibly another extremely rare condition, heterochromia, the boy had two different eye colors, red and green stared into Kanji's gray. 

"Y-Y-You," Kanji stuttered, his words simply didn't come out, it was like he was under a spell, was he afraid of that boy? That couldn't be, he was so much smaller than him, there was no way what he was feeling was fear right?

Kanji shook his head and looked a the boy who stayed silent, with his sweet smile. Kanji closed his eyes and cleared his throat, "W-w-what are you doing here?"

"Ah, we go to the same school," said the boy. Kanji opened his eyes and saw the boy extend his hand, Kanji looked at him and then the hand, "What a coincidence don't you think?". 

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