Chapter Five

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Burke sat next to me at dinner again, and I knew he didn't expect a thing.  The anticipation filled the air.  How could he not feel it?  Dinner was filet mignon and baked potato.  Everyone's favorite meal at camp.  We would probably have it four more times before our two weeks were up.  Joey gave me a sly grin from across the table and I held mine in.  Didn't want to give anything away.

Burke was quiet throughout dinner. We didn't speak a word to each other.  Our heated confrontation earlier that day left us both feeling animosity towards each other.  But on the way back to our cabin, when most guys were heading to the rec hall, I nudged him gently with my shoulder.

"We're doing our annual capture the flag at midnight tonight.  Everyone does it.  We go out after coach turns in."  I said.

Burke just shrugged in a "what's it to me" sort of way.

"By participating, it makes you a part of the team," I said pointedly.

James seemed to brighten a little at that.

Our cabin was dark and Joey and Carson must have been playing fooz ball in the rec hall.  I went to reach for the light switch and when the light came one, Burke was halfway taking his shirt off. My damned eyes went straight towards his happy trail.

"I know you see something you like, Anderson." He said, a haughty smile upon his face. 

"In your wildest wet dreams, gay boy," I said.

Something shifted in his eyes. And something in the air shifted too.  I started to feel almost uncomfortable.

He seemed really alone just then, and I don't know what came over me, but I felt sorry for him. Being the lone outsider on the team.  He sat on his lower bunk and I took the liberty of sitting next to him.

"So what's your story?" I asked.

"I don't have one." He said.

"Everybody does." I said solemnly.

He shrugged. 

"I live with my dad.  My mom took off when I was like five. We never talk about her but I'm pretty sure she ran off with some guy and it burned my dad real bad.  I had a little sister, but my mom took her with her.  We've never heard from them since they left.  My dad tried fighting for my sister, but the police could never find them, and now I'm stuck here, with teammates that hate me. And I've got no fucking clue why I'm telling you all this. You despise me the most, and I'm not too happy-go-lucky for you either...." He trailed off, his cheeks burning red from embarrassment.

"I don't hate you," I said, laying back on the bed, not sure I was being honest, but it felt right at the moment.

He laid back on the bed too.

"Life Is complicated. Mine especially," He admitted.

After that was comfortable silence. 

"My family is broke," I offered.

"I can't even afford college without a scholarship." I said.

I had never said that aloud to anyone before.He looked solemn but thoughtful. There was silence again. I don't know how or when, but eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up to a pounding on the cabin door.

"Zane? Ten minutes till capture the flag!" Trey's voice filled the air.  Then I heard him shuffle off.

I opened my eyes and Jamie's face was mere centimeters from mine.  His eyes were fluttering open, just slightly.  The moonlight from the cabin window caught his blonde hair and made it look ethereal and shining silver.  His eyes were half open, his lips were soft looking.

I leaned my head over just the last mere centimeters and our lips met.  Below the belt, I blossomed.

 A pounding on the door woke me up.

I sat up quick. The light in the cabin was still on, and Jamie was up and throwing on a sweatshirt.

"Capture the flag is about to start," He said curtly.

I stood up and stretched. His eyes focused on something lower. I looked down, and saw that I had a huge hard on through my work out shorts. After a few seconds, he still didn't look away.

My dream came back to mind and my face flamed red.  I tried to cover myself with my hands but I didn't know what else to do. 

"Time to go, Zane,"  Joey walked into the cabin.

He was oblivious to my dick sticking out in my pants.

"You too, Dragon." He said to Burke.

Jamie met my eyes gravely and then exited the cabin.

What the hell have I done?


Sorry it's been so long!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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