Chapter Three

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The whole dining hall went absolutely dead silent for approximately two point four seconds. Then it erupted like a backed up volcano.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"What the fuck is going on?"

"That's an Arbor Hills sweatshirt."

Coach blew his whistle three times full blast, his face turning beet red.

"Now you all listen here! I don't want any of this shit. James is a part of the team now, and you will treat him rightly so. Anyone got a problem with that?"Coach yelled in the same voice he used when we were down in the fourth quarter and just wanted to give up.

There was still more grumbling from the others. I stood up.

"No problems here, Coach," I said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

James Burke caught my eye as I got an approving head nod from Larson.

Coach said, "Finish eating." And so everyone resumed their activity in a frazzled sort of quiet yet angry demeanor.

Coach said something to Burke and nodded towards my way. A moment later, Burke was sitting himself down next to me.

"Hey," He said.

"Hey," I said curtly, with an acknowledging nod.

Carson and Trey stiffened and became engrossed in their bowl of green beans.

"Welcome to the team," I said, trying to get rid of some of the intensity in the air.


"What position do you play?" I asked him.

He paused for a moment before saying, "Receiver."

I looked into his eyes. They were a strange light blue color....They seemed so unreal that I immediately recognized that I had seen them before. But where? Obviously it had to have been on the football field during a game facing the Arbor Hills Dragon. But somehow I couldn't place those eyes behind a face mask.

My thoughts that seemed to be trailing nowhere were interrupted by Jamie accidently brushing his knee against mine. It made an odd feeling shoot up my thigh.

What the hell?

I tried to shake off the feeling, and I asked Burke why he had changed schools.

"My dad moved jobs," He said, vaguely and uncommittal.

"I get it," I said.

For some reason, Burke seemed to be holding a lot back. But then again, it made sense. I mean, hello, if I transferred schools to Arbor Hills and was surrounded by a bunch of their players..I'd be a little hesitant to reveal too much about myself either.

James kind of reminded me a little of myself. He seemed a little bit more conservative with his thoughts.

His blond hair kind of fell forward into his strange blue eyes and I caught myself staring. Unfortunately, I think he noticed. He sent me a questioning look and I focused in on a stain on my white basketball shorts.

"Alright everyone, hit the bunks. I'm gonna have you running drills by five am tomorrow," Coach called from the end of the hall.

We all slowly made our way back to our cabins. Carson and Joey lagged behind, talking to Trey. I showed Burke his bunk, below mine. He threw his duffel to the side of the bed and proceeded to undress. He took off his shirt, revealing a nice build for someone smaller than I. His abs were molded and tan, as if he had spent the summer working hard in the sun. His jeans hung lower on his hips, showing off his small, refined happy trail leading down to a pair of green checkered boxers.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked in a low voice.

I looked up into his eyes. "Sorry," I said, climbing up into my bunk.

I laid down and shut my eyes tightly. What was that? Sorry?

I heard the bed creak below me as Jamie crawled into his sheets. After awhile, his regular breathing told me he had fallen asleep. I should've been dead tired from all the running, but somehow I felt wired and more awake than ever.



I want to know what you guys think!!!

Love, T

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