Chapter 7

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I peered down at the objects in my hands: the bread, the musicbox, and the bronze compass. How is this stuff going to help me? I knew I figure it out somehow and someday. I decided that I would eat my bread when the time of the park's opening became closer. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. There were so many places to go in this vast and spacious park that I didn't know where to start. At least I had gotten some rest and a meal from Aurora.

Knowing that Aurora had delivered the bread already, I decided it was time to find Rapunzel again and seek her help since I'd fuffilled her requests. By then, I'd spent so much time in the park that I knew my way around the basic twists and turns of Disneyworld. I had to keep walking, then take a right and then a left. Forward,right left. I was starting to become used to the dark and silence of the park. It no longer fazed me. The only thing that I heard was the wind humming against the trees. It was a serene sort of silence that made you want to just sit in and listen to what sounded like nothing, but at the same time every sound you've ever heard.

I was approaching the tower where Repunzel lived. It was shielding by vines and bushes. It looked like a very welcoming place for a tower which was supposed to hold an imprisoned princess. Flowers surrounded the tower like a beautiful tiara on a pageant queen. The sun was beginning to wake-up and peer up over the horizon. I decided that it would be a good time to eat some of the magical bread Aurora gave me. Carefully, I tore of a piece of soft bread from the loaf I'd been given. The taste was just like the taste of a regular slice of bread. I wasn't quite convinced, if this bread was magical at all, but to make this journey I'd have to take risks. I couldn't quite remember how long Aurora said the bread lasted. Was it hours?

Regardless, I knew I needed Repunzel's help to find my family again, so I carefully contemplated how I would reach Repunzel's tower. It took me five minutes of deliberate thought until I mentally slapped myself at my foolishness. Duh! I was supposed to ask Repunzel to let down her hair. I couldn't believe how obvious that was. I'd watched the movie Tangled at least a dozen times. I could've thought of that eons ago.

"Repunzel! Let down your hair!" I boomed. I stood for a few seconds and heard nothing.

"Repunzel?" I shouted again. No answer. Assuming she wasn't there I turned towards the path getting ready depart. Right at the last moment, the window of the tower opened with a creek. Startled by the sudden noise, I jumped tripping over a rock and landing with a thud.

"You ok," Repunzel yelled.

"I'm fine," I replied flasing a thumbs up to her.

"I'll let you up in a second," she said. I patiently waited for her to gather up her seemingly mountains of hair which was as shiny and yellow as pure gold. I stood idly for a few minutes twiddling my thumbs in a lack of patience. I peered up in the tiny window in which she stood. How could someone live in that tower and spend most of their time there? I would've gotten bored. Finally I heard the words I wanted to hear.

"I'm sending the hair down!" Rapunzel announced. "I'll pull you up!" I gave a sigh of relief.

"Ok!" I shouted back. I watched as about a mile of hair floated down the walls of the tower. As it reached ground I grabbed the silky soft hair waiting to be pulled up to the top of the tower.

Her blonde heap of hair cascaded to the ground as I grabbed on to it and began ascending the tower walls. I'd never thought I'd experience what I'd read in stories and seen in movies. This was real! I was being lifted up Repunzel's tower by her hair. It almost seemed like it was all a dream. It couldn't be real, but then I pinched myself and realized this is real. It kind of gave me chills. As I reached the top, I began to climb into the window and come inside the tower.

It was beautiful for a tower. Flowers were everywhere and it had a comfy and cozy atmosphere. There was a warm fire in the hearth and the room was filled with soft, cushiony velvet chairs. The smell of freshly baked blueberry piecakes lingered in the air. I was surprised by the appearance of the tower. Usually towers were old and gross, at least according to storybooks. The view from the tower was the best. The trees brushing against the sky boldly announced their mammoth structure. The bright blue sky before me was so beautiful. I'd never seen the sky look so wonderful. I inhaled a heavy sigh of contentment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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