♡Struggling because of you

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Where Jays father had an older brother whom he is very close with.
But his brother lived in Uleungdo's island and worked there as a farmer and earned his life that way, Jays father missed him everytime , so each year he would drag his family and go visite him there.
And his brothr's family were always happy to welcome them.

The island was very beautiful, from its landscaping, the natural fruits the sound of the birds and the sea crawling onto the sand, and the most beautiful thing was watching the sunset there.

Not lot of people lived there, so it was a very quiet and relaxing place, almost the perfect place to spend summer vacation it brought freedom and happiness to their heart.
'A tropical paradise' thats what everyone called it unlike for Jay cause it reminded him of all his mistakes .


One day ago:

"No I don't want to go " Jay was pleading his mom
"You are coming with us, end of discussion !!" his mom looking too pissed.

"Dad please " he tried with his father

His father was sitting on the chair reading the news paper 'ah here they go again better to escape ' " I will go prepare the car " ignoring his sons pleading.

"OK honey "

"I've been good , doing everything you ask me, Why can't I do what I want for once !! " Jay was following her everywhere his hands moving while talking trying to convince her.
She turned to face him suddenly , Jay flinched too afraid from her reaction "Go prepare your bag, and don't make me angry, do it while I am asking it nicely ! " she rised her voice on her last words
It was no use, Jay was frustrated.

He run to his room slamming the door.

"Park Jongseong, I want you down here in one hour " she shouted warning him
she was a very strict parent, that Jay couldn't do anything without asking her permission.

Jay too annoyed let his body fall on his bed hiding his face between the pillows , "No noagh agh ,please someone save me " he cried.

He didn't prepare himself like his mother demanded, when it was the time she stormed in his room
She saw him sleeping and went sitting on his bed caressing his head

"Why are you like this, I know you don't want to part from your friends here, but your cousin Sunghoon will be there too he will be so happy to see you and you won't be alone, so don't worry you won't get bored from following us everywhere".

Jays heart shaked abit remembering that person. This is exactly why he didn't want to go, he was scared more like terrified, spending a seconde with Sunghoon was living the hot hell itself. Its not like Sunghoon tormented him, but more like showered him with love blowing his mind until it was too difficult to resist him.

"Aangh, I don't like him I don't want to see his face " but these were lies, Jay too embarrassed told his mother ,with his face which turned red like a tomato still hiden with the pillows,

"I can't understand this hate of yours toward him, You should be happy he still care for a abrat and hard headed boy like you"

His mom was right he always gave Sunghoon a hard time, always yelled at him for no reason while the later handled things calmly and waited for Jay to calm down, he actualy found him cute.
It's because Jay was afraid, afraid of catching feeling for him, he really hated this kind of weakness, and couldn't controle his frustration.
Sunghoon was a kind hearted one, he was always smily, cared immensely for Jay and always thought positively, the total opposite of Jay.

But there was one wrong thing about him, he was obsessed of Jay, too touchy, too needy, too annoying for Jays taste.

Jay lift his head and hugged his mother resting his head on her laps now.
"Please let me stay here this time " he tried for the last time
She let an exasperated sighed "get up NOW !!" then she left.

What actualy did happen between the two cousins ?

It all started when they were kids
They were always together
Whenever Jay asked Sunghoon to play with him or go see something together,
Sunghoon wouldn't agree before getting a kiss and it had to be on the mouth.
Jay felt wrong a boy must not kiss a nother boy, he felt uncomfortable, he was mad at him and cried everytime.
Sunghoon always hugged him saying " Jongdeongie don't cry, I will marry you, so it won't be wrong if we kiss" .
That's how he convinced him everytime.

When they grew up, nothing changed except for Sunghoon desire for Jay which had become stronger and he started asking more and more from him, he was always hungry for Jay, Jay was aware of that but didn't want to give himself and never agreed on this kind of relationship.

What annoyed Jay the most was
Sunghoon's hands, they were always on his body whenever the two were next to each other.
He would force him to site on his lap
Make him sleep with him in his bed, squish him in a hug so Jay wouldn't escape, murmuring love words to him, smelling him.
Always eyeing him.
And lastly whenever he was angry he would force a kiss on him especialy on the lips and this was the worst, two cousin kissing without a mutual consent.

Now thinking of the past was so tyrinig
Jay just prayed this time it will be different
And took the flight with his parents

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This time its about Jayhoon only

I struggled writing this chapter, I don't know why

No Consent *♡* { Jayhoon }*♡* EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now