Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!

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(Shit.). "Yes, I found out a week or so ago. Why do you care? Looks like Tiffany will be having your child too so be with her." Just silence between us. "Look, I gotta go pack, so do what you want? I have nothing more to say to you."  He tries to stop me.  "Wait, I'm just trying to think on what to do." "Do? You did enough, you left me for another woman who can provide you with children, and from her lips she said you two were a thing our entire married life. So, you've been living a lie our entire relationship, so I don't care what you 'think on what to do' because right now, I can careless about you, Tony." "Even though I'm the father of the baby?" "Your point.  I can careless if you make it in baseball, you can get hit by a pitch and paralyzed, I wouldn't care about you.  And I was your biggest supporter, well maybe your second right?" I paused.  "Because your biggest supporter, what sucked you off after every game, practice, during training camps, and every off days too?" He responds. "She listened to me when I wasn't confident in myself, you were focused on schooling and you stopped coming to my games, and practices." I get irate. "So you cheated on me because I became an adult! I may have not been there physically but I kept stats on all your progress throughout your entire career up until now. I knew that you have 4 teams that are looking at you and 1 seemed promising. I knew all about you stupid!" He got excited. "So you think I will get picked up soon?" "Um, we are no longer friends, that all ended when you left me so go ask Tiffany. Are we done with this conversation because I am busy?" Another wave of silence between us. "I'm sorry Brianna, I will be there for you and the baby and when it comes, we'll have to get a dna test." (The fuck!). "Tony, go to hell!" ~click~

Finally ready to go, I asked my mother to drive me to the airport. She also gave me a few bucks too. (Really mom.). She gave me a hug and a kiss before I entered the airport. "Call me when you land!" "Okay mom, see you in a week." Once I got in the airport it looked completely different. Everything was so futuristic, as in a machine for everything. All the restaurants were replaced with vending machines. (Oh! Manufactured my Three Legged Crow. Whatever the hell that means.). I never seen so many machines. This one operates using an app, once I downloaded it, it had things I never even heard of. "Celestial Waffles? Sounds good, yes please!" (And something to drink, Golden Newt Tea, must be for the Halloween season. Sure.). Once my order was placed we got a play by play of what's happening. In less than 15 minutes I got two thick celestial waffles and tea. (The futures weird. This is your future, baby.). With me being skeptical on this, turns out it was quite delicious. The waffles were so light and airy, angels clearly have made them. The tea although has a dark name, was sweet and soothing on the stomach. It was a most definitely a get again meal.'

   Boarding finally!  I super excited, I may have one stop but at least I will be in Tokyo soon!  Once we got to our seats they had even better food on the plane.  (Clearly they spoke with my mother to make sure I eat.). "Yes, I will have a water and a the beef ramen, no sprouts.  I'll try the milk tea, and a cookie.  Oh can I have some pork dumplings too." (Relax it's a long flight. Need something for later.). Once the food came back I ate all of it with no hesitation, no regrets either.  Im on vacation!


   "Lucifer, how is the exchange student doing since arriving a month ago?"  Lucifer sighs.  "She has been a real problem to deal with.  She gets into shenanigans with my brothers and it seems like they are more unruly with her here honestly.  Is it too late to replace her with your pick instead?"  Diavolo chuckles.  "I see.  We can place her in Purgatory Hall if that would be better, but I also notices how your brothers has opened up too."  Diavolo states.  "Yeah, which has me worried more.  You know she made a pact with Mammon?"  Diavolo raised his eye brow. "Really?  And he went along with it?"  Lucifer walked towards the window.  "I don't know what she's planning, but it can't be good."  Diavolo stands up from his desk and walks towards his friend.  "When you read her profile did you sense this happening?  Or are you speculating?"  Lucifer thought for a moment.  "Maybe it's speculation but I'll keep my eye on her."  "Good, because today I'm headed back to the human world.  Are you joining me this time?"  Diavolo asks.  "You seem pretty fond of the human world lately Diavolo, any reason why?"  "No, I've always liked the human world even as a child, I remember the stories Barbatos told me and I wanted to learn more, see more, and that's why we're having this exchange program.  What I can't be interested in humans and human activities?"  He asks as they make their way to the penthouse suite at the Corvo hotel.  (It's the human activity I'm concerned about, Diavolo.  You and the obsession of yours, will end in disaster.)


   Yes!  I finally arrived and it's wonderful!  (I can't believe I'm here!!  Yeah!). I can't wait to call Leslie and let her know I'm here.  (Leslie's calling me?). "Hello."  "Hey Bri, have you landed yet?"  "Yes, are you coming to the airport?"  She sighed.  "Yes, but I have to fly out.  We got called back to the US, so I won't be here with you."  I'm crushed.  "Okay, well I'll see if I can change my ticket to go back home then."  Leslie yells.  "No, no, no, you can still stay, I have to go back but I'll be coming back afterwards, so I still have the hotel room."   "Where are you?"  I asked.  "I'm getting on a private jet, listen take the cab to the hotel and talk to the desk clerk I set everything up with her, for you, just give her your name.  We about to take off, see you when I get back okay. Bye!"  "Bye, have a safe trip!"  (Great, not only am I here in Tokyo but here in Tokyo alone.). I make my way out of the airport into a self driving vehicle out front.

~a few tap of the keys~

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