Tokyo! Oh. No!

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"Mmmm!" The morning sunrise breaks Brianna's sleep. She slept great, felt amazing and felt like she had the best sex of her life. (Oh, my, goodness!  I have to do that again.). As she sat up in the bed, she notices a man next to her. (Yep, We had sex and I fell asleep right after, great job me.). He looked so peaceful asleep, Brianna had to take a quick peak at his penis before he woke up. (Wow, very good for you. Maybe I should get her a gift basket.). "Good morning, beautiful!" Brianna jumped, she didn't know he was awake. "Good morning to you too handsome!" She give Diavolo a kiss before she got up to her brush teeth. It hurt to walk and pee but it was manageable. (And I took all that.) after peeing and washing her hands, she grabbed a wash cloth, and washed her face. After her face she started brushing her teeth, she looked out at him as he gets up too. She looks at his back, and saw all the scratches she did to him. "I have a spare toothbrush if you want it."  He makes his way to the bathroom too and they brushed together. While brushing her teeth, she couldn't help but watch him in the mirror. "I enjoyed our evening, we definitely have to do that again." He smiled and brushed up against her.  "Yes, absolutely." She said as she stood next to him, and kissed near his ear, and walked out the bathroom.  Once he finished he walked up behind her and kissed her neck. "Mmmm, Diavolo, right now!" He slowly kissed her neck, turning her head to him, and kissed her lips! "Mmm, Brianna! I like you a lot." "I like you too." They continue kissing until someone knocked on the door. "Who's that, we're we that loud?" Brianna asked. "No, I'll get it." As he grabs a towel and cover himself up. "Good morning Barbatos, glad you can make it." "Good morning Young Master. I've bought you breakfast."

Brianna slowly made my way towards the living room, in her robe. "Hello." Brianna said looking at the guy from yesterday, standing in her suite. "Good Morning Miss, would you like any breakfast this morning?" Brianna shrugs her shoulders.  "Sure?" She said slightly confused on what's happening. Somethings not right, but she couldn't put her finger on it but this was weird. Brianna made her way to the living room to gather up her clothes, then she grabbed his too. "Young Master, I think it's best to tell her the truth." Barbatos whispered to Diavolo. "Not now, I don't want her to freak out."  Diavolo said. "You guys okay in there, need any help?" Brianna asked. "Oh no, I can handle this Miss, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" Brianna walked back to the kitchen area. "My apologies, my name is Brianna." He smiled. "Hello Brianna, I'm Barbatos, Master Diavolo's butler." Brianna smiled back. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She turned to Diavolo. "Is everything okay?" He looked at her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  "Everything is wonderful." And he gave her a kiss. "Okay, well I'm going to go shower." She leaned closer, whispering in his ear. "Unless you want to join me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Mm, you are so tempting, go ahead I need to speak with Barbatos." As she walked away, he spanked her butt.  "Okay."

When Brianna went to the bathroom, Diavolo and Barbatos continue their conversation. "Incredible, a demon and a human. No, a future demon king and a human.  Following in your fathers footsteps I see."  Barbatos looked at Diavolo and asked.  "Was it a coincidence that she fell in your lap, or that she reminded you of an old love, my lord?"  Diavolo folded his arms. "Both." As Barbatos finished making breakfast in the kitchen.  Back in the bathroom, Brianna's body didn't feel right.  She started to feel a sharp pain in my vagina.  "Ow! Ouch!"  Brianna try to breathe through it.  "D-D-Diavolo!"  She quietly yelled out.  "Is someone calling me?"  She heard as she opened the bathroom door. "I think it's your lady friend."  "Diavolo! Ow!"  Diavolo came running into the bathroom.  "What's wrong?"  Diavolo asked looking worriedly.  "I just started feeling a sharp pain, in me."  Brianna said as she curled up into a ball, on the ground. "Okay, come on let's get dressed and take you to the hospital."  He picks her up and placed her on the bed.  Barbatos came in to check her out.  He placed a hand on her stomach and looked at her.  "We need to get you to the hospital."

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