Welcome to Devildom Part 2

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Brianna turned around to see Barbatos, but in his demon form. "I will only ask one more time and you better tell me the truth. How do you know how to read this and who are you really?" She started to panic. "I swear to you I am only a human, I don't know how it happened. I just looked at it and words just appeared. I would never lie to you." "Does Young Master know about this?" Brianna looked at Barbatos. "I don't understand what you mean by that but, I just looked at this today. Honestly right before you stopped me." He placed his hand on his chin and stared at her. She stood there as they didn't say anything else. "Okay, but I'm watching you, Brianna." She nodded her head. "I'm sorry Barbatos. I didn't go in I just read the sign above the door, honestly. I know #3 told me to stay out, and just stay in the human world section. I do apologize for not listening." He stops her.  "Well technically you didn't enter the Devildom section, but you are free to look at the books if you want to. He probably said that because you don't speak the language or understand the readings. But feel free to look all over except that room. That is absolutely forbidden." She nodded my head again. "Yes sir, I will stay away from that door."

~meanwhile somewhere else~

"Did you sense that Simeon?" Simeon turned to face the other person talking to him. "Yes, I sure did. This is either a bad or a good thing or we might have to contact Michael." The other person sighed. "I have a feeling this could be a combination of all the above." In walked another person. "Hey Simeon, Solomon, look at what I made! It's a 100 layer chocolate crepe cake. Taste it and see if it's good enough for Michael please?" The guys mouths started watering. "We'll be right there Luke." They make their way to the dining room table to enjoy the treat Luke made for them. "Luke this is absolutely splendid!" Said Solomon. "Yes Luke, Michael would be overjoyed." Said Simeon. Luke smiled really wide. "Thanks guys, next I will make a strawberry version, a raspberry version, and poison apple and blackberries version. I have so many ideas of fruit! You guys would love it!" Simeon and Solomon looked at each other. "Just make them with time in between, we will explode. Maybe we should invite Beelzebub, to help us finish this off." And they heard something in the background. "Mmm, munch, munch, gulp! Too late I'm already here. This is delicious Luke! You making anymore?"

"He can smell this even though we are miles away? Impressive nose Beelzebub." Said Simeon. "Hey did you guys sense that weirdness in Devildom too?" Beelzebub asked. "Yes, we have. Do you know where is came from? Has Satan created a spell to trap Lucifer into something again?" Simeon asked. "No, now he's just cursing his clothes. No, we think it might have something to do with Lord Diavolo's girlfriend?" He said while continuing to eat the rest of their plates of cake. "Diavolo's girlfriend?" Yelled Solomon. "When did this happen?" "From what Lucifer says, early when the exchange student selection happened, Lucifer said Diavolo fell in love with her picture. And when the hotel opened, he would go to the human world working at the hotel to hopefully one day run into her, and then she showed up there and they've been together ever since." Simeon, Solomon and Luke sat at the table in silence. They couldn't believe what they heard about Diavolo having a human here, that wasn't apart of the exchange program, without telling anyone, not even Michael.

   Back at the castle still in the library, during her talk with Barbatos, Brianna's stomach began to growl.  "I take it you are hungry Miss Brianna, would you care to join me in the kitchen for a snack."  "Yes, please!"  And Brianna followed Barbatos out the library.  While walking towards the kitchen she didn't know what to make of what happened in the library, not to mention the demon side of Barbatos she's never seen before either.  She didn't mean any harm by looking around the library, she just hope Diavolo won't be mad at her.  "Mr. Barbatos, Will Lord Diavolo be upset with me?"  Barbatos placed his hand back under his chin. "Lord Diavolo does not know what happened, so no.  But you are at liberty to tell him if you like.  I'm not sure how the Young Master might take the information.  Have you experienced anything strange recently?"  (Should I tell him?  Should I tell him about D'narah?). "No."

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